They ask to offer masses and prayer for those killed in tragic accident

After the tragic bus accident that left six dead and at least eleven injured in the Coquimbo (Chile) area, the local archbishopric called to join in prayer before the Lord’s altar by those affected.

The tragedy occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, March 11 and involved four buses. One of them overturned, and two others stopped to help, but a fourth bus rammed the one who had overturned and ran over several people.

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The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, said that the Ministry of Transportation works to collect the information that allows to clarify what happened and establish the causes of the accident, indica CNN. Carabineros de Chile, meanwhile, is collecting statements of witnesses.

Given what happened, the archbishop of La Serena, Mons. René Rebolledo Salinas, and his auxiliary bishop, Mons. Enrique Balzán Caruana, summoned the community to join in prayer, offering masses and prayers for the deceased, and to ask for “comfort and hope for their appreciated families” in this moment of pain.

“May the deceased rest in the peace of the Lord!” The prelates begged, while assuring: “Our prayer rises to the Lord for the injured and how many are suffering due to this tragedy.”

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