Dolphin Avistaje at sea, an incomparable show in Puerto Madryn

Wrapped in a barely refreshing breeze, the most absolute calm reigns on the coastal front of Puerto Madryn. Not even the accelerated passage of the combis through the long tongue of more than a kilometer of the Luis Piedrabuena dock -appointed to bring tourists closer to the coast that land of two huge cruises tied from the morning- it reaches to break that relaxed atmosphere that prevails in this destination of the coast of Patagonia.

On the beach of Piedras and Arena, the tractors engines are lit, which are preparing to push the boats towards the sea. Guides, its crew and about thirty passengers parade in rows to each boat and take shape the incomparable adventure of being moved by the sudden Appearance of Dolphins on the high seas and record that unique moment with the attentive view and the camera.

The first section of navigation takes place in Calmas and furiously blue watersthat seem to revere the monumental porte of the cruises and barely remove the keel of anchored chargueros waiting for a turn to hold on to the dock.

Dolphin embarked sighting begins at the base of the Luis Piedrabuena dock, in the downtown area of ​​Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Photo by Ángel Vélez / Maritime Station

Around a Chinese fishing fisherman dedicated to shrimp extraction with spinel, Petreles Gigantes flutter in search of carrion. Also Albatros swim like intuiting the proximity of some heart, but the clearest indicator for navigators dispenses it Bands of Pardels and Gaviotaswaiting for the exit to Dolphins to beat them hand in the bid for food.

While the Sun seems determined to light all its reflectors, the captain of the Gomón Nueva del Gulfo accelerates the passage, warned by the guide of the Appearance of a pointed fin that emerges north, where the bow points in a straight line to the beach El Doradillo and the Amyhino of Peninsula Valdés.

The dolphins usually appear alone, in pairs or in groups next to the boats, in front of Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Photo by Luis Burgueño / Maritime StationThe dolphins usually appear alone, in pairs or in groups next to the boats, in front of Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Photo by Luis Burgueño / Maritime Station

The notice shakes the travelers’ drowsiness, leaves each of the confraternity talks in various languages ​​and generates a succession of screams. The excitement of Attachment of all, already added to a concert of shouts that warn, increasingly often, of the appearance of specimens in groups or in pairs, No more than a couple of meters of port and starboard.

If on one side the short snout of a dark specimen appears, on the other side Dozens of dolphins are seen They love to challenge strangers with a race and a quick pirouette session. The natural show, which a while before seemed to stay in a mere promise, is held with new protagonists, until each traveler finishes filling their eyes and cameras with the most surprising images.

The impact caused by dolphins has such effect that the final stretch of the walk seems marked by full satisfaction. Now, the captain follows the course that mark the Rasant flights of cormoranes and seagulls and the Silencia ship the rugido of the engine before the panoramic view of the Marine Wolves colony of Punta Loma about 20 kilometers south of Puerto Madryn.

Colony of Marine Wolves near Paraná Beach, south of Puerto Madryn, in Chubut.Colony of Marine Wolves near Paraná Beach, south of Puerto Madryn, in Chubut.

Little by little, at the height of Paraná Beach -from the remains of the Folías ship, sunk in 1967 -, the ship takes up the road to the city in a straight line. On the shore, the fascinating kingdom of marine fauna yields to a Rodante and Motorhomes row installed at the foot of a fence.

About the viboreantes folds of the New Gulf, the traffic of vehicles intensifies in the rise of the monument to the Indian Tehuelche and Punta Cuevasthe historical site where in 1865 the Mimosa ship arrived with the first 153 Welsh Colonists that advanced inland by the lower valley of the Chubut River.

In that area of ​​southern Puerto Madryn, the scientific and didactic complex Ecocentro It proposes to complete the face to face with the dolphins with first -hand data on the specimens that populate the southern seas.

Monument to the Indian Tehuelche, in Punta Loma, Puerto Madryn, Chubut.Monument to the Indian Tehuelche, in Punta Loma, Puerto Madryn, Chubut.

The visit takes off at the Whale roomwhere a submarine simulator replicates the view of a southern frank whale. Other ways to immerse themselves in the unbarkable extension of the marine ecosystem is through a living invertebrate pool, a child recreation room and the sample ofl Educational Project “Entreated environmentsfrom the plateau to Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands. ”

At this time, the departures embarked from the coast of Puerto Madryn add to a much broader tourist circuitwhich includes historical houses and continues beyond the limits of the city.

The founding time of the city revives on the center of the center to the Almirante Storni mineral dock. Above all the buildings of the neighborhood, the 1915 villa tower stands First school with boarding school in the region And today is the headquarters of the GALESA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION.

One of the exhibitions that can be visited in the scientific, recreational and didactic complex Ecocenter, Puerto Madryn, Chubut.One of the exhibitions that can be visited in the scientific, recreational and didactic complex Ecocenter, Puerto Madryn, Chubut.

The past of Puerto Madryn also revives in the old housing of the manager and the railway accountant, the Patagonian train station that connected Madryn with Trelew -in 1913 -, the James farm and the house of the prefect derbes.

60 kilometers south along Route 3, the Egidido Feruglio de Trelew Paleontological Museum has been back more over time. Recently reconditioned and reopenedthe main room is covered by the skeleton of a Patagotitan -a mole 40 meters long and more than 6 meters high that frequented these land still virgins 100 million years ago -, rebuilt from the discovery of a femur in the stay the arrow, an unexpected event in the middle of the Plateau of the northern Chubut.

Chalet Pujol, a 1915 relic that is part of the historical circuit of Puerto Madryn.Chalet Pujol, a 1915 relic that is part of the historical circuit of Puerto Madryn.

Other pieces exhibited account for the discovery of the presence in the area of ​​specimens of Megaterio, Hypiodon, Arcodictis, Gliptodon, Macrucchenia, Toxodon and Smilodon.

Replica of a specimen of Patagotitan in the Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio de Trelew, Chubut.Replica of a specimen of Patagotitan in the Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio de Trelew, Chubut.

110 kilometers to southern Trelew, Tombo tip Planting to approach visitors with the usual inhabitants of the southern seas. Nails 210 thousand couples of Magallanes penguins The most indicated place to dig and procreate, discreetly courted by a stable cast of imperial and black -collar cast, seagulls, skuas and marine wolves of a hair, are found on this beach. It is the epilogue of a unique adventure, from beginning to end.


٠ From the city of Buenos Aires to Puerto Madryn are 1,300 kilometers per Riccheri, highway to Cañuelas and Route 3.

Part of the Magallanes Penguin Colony, in the Protected Natural Area Punta Tombo, Chubut.Part of the Magallanes Penguin Colony, in the Protected Natural Area Punta Tombo, Chubut.

٠ Airlines (from $ 100,000 round trip with taxes) and Flybondi (from $ 78,000) fly without scale (2 hs.) From Aeroparque to Puerto Madryn.

٠ Bus Semicama Andesmar or Retiro Star Condor to Madryn (19 hs.), $ 110,000 Ida; Bed car, $ 130,000.

٠ In Puerto Madryn, Anemones departments (minimum, two nights): per day for 4 people with full kitchen, dishes, chrown up, microwave, Wi-Fi, $ 95,000 (0280-154350767 /

٠ In Trelew, Hotel Touring Club: double room with breakfast, Wi-Fi and covered parking, $ 55,000; triple, $ 80,000; Quadruple, $ 95,000 (0280-443-3997 / 8/0280-154538754 /

The historic Toschke house was converted at the headquarters of the Galea Cultural Association of Puerto Madryn.The historic Toschke house was converted at the headquarters of the Galea Cultural Association of Puerto Madryn.

٠ Avistaje embarked from dolphins (2 to 3 hours), $ 100,000; from 4 to 12 years, $ 50,000 (0280-154663782 / Facebook: Puerto Madryn Maritime Station).

٠ Excursion in Combi to Punta Tombo with a stop at the Trelew Paleontological Museum (9 to 10 am.), $ 125,000; 4 to 11 years, $ 87,500 (0280-154192774 / 0280-155057775 / Facebook: Sussanich Tourism).

٠ Entering Ecocentro, $ 6,000; From 6 to 12 years and retirees, $ 30000.

Cruises in Puerto Madryn.Cruises in Puerto Madryn.

٠ Entrance to the Egidio Feruglio Paleontological Museum, in Trelew, $ 15,000; 4 to 11 years and retirees, $ 8,000.

٠ Entrance to the Natural Protected Area Tombo, $ 6,500; From 6 to 11 years and retirees, $ 3,500.

٠ Fish (unmissable, pink salmon with grilled vegetables and abadejo to La Romana), seafood, red meat, paella, casseroles and milanese, in the restaurants Cantina el Náutico and Bistró de Mar.

٠ Homemade pastes (for example, gnocchi with boloñesa sauce, lamb and sorrentinos ravioli), Fainá gratin, craft beer, empanadas, pizzas prepared in sight (the most successful, fleeting, arugula and raw ham, four cheese and ananá) and panqueques with dulce de leche, in fervor.

٠ (0280) 445-3504/6067 / 154665688


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