The Bishop of Cajamarca denounced a “direct attack” to the freedom of expression of the Catholic Church by the LGTBIQ+collective, which accuses her of the “alleged crime of discrimination” for a talk that warned of the consequences of “integral sexual education” or ESI in Peru.
Through a communication Signed by Mons. Isaac Martínez Chuquizana, Bishop of Cajamarca, reference was made to the complaint filed in December 2024 by Reyna Consuelo Solís Rivera, “who declares to be part of the LGTBIQ+collective”; before the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in Human Rights and Interculturality of the Public Ministry of Cajamarca.
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The complaint of Solís Rivera points to “representatives of the Bishopric of Cajamarca and international human life”, who made the talk “Comprehensive sex education and its consequences” on August 26, 2024 at the Cajamarca Book Fair (Felicaj).
The talk was in charge of Fr. Javier Hoyos Huamán, responsible for the Committee of Life and Family of the Diocese of Cajamarca, and the Master in Bioethics Roxaida Carolina López de Ojeda, of international human life, who alerted about the harmful consequences of the ESI in Peru and other countries of the region.
“He did not like that we have told them that the condom does not protect from all sexually transmitted diseases,” López said in September 2024 Ewtn News.
Likewise, the expert continued, “when telling a girl: ‘Take, here are your contraceptive’. What are you saying? What is the background message? That you can have sex whenever you want, whenever you ‘take care of yourself. ” And if the contraceptive or the condom fails, abortion is proposed, he warned.
For his part, Fr. Hoyos told Ewtn News that “God will ask us for accounts of all the lives that we are allowing them to be killed in the world.” In that sense, he said, “the copper t or the pill of the next day are means that generate abortion.”
The statement of the Diocese of Cajamarca also recalls that “since the announcement of said conference was published, in social networks, feminist groups and LGTBQ+, local and national, they cataloged the event as: ‘serious lack, misinformation, shame, anti -rights, etc.’”.
On the day of the conference, the text continues, “a group of members of the aforementioned groups attended, who were exalted and violent during the talk, and with ruthless and cruel attitude they launched shouts, teasing and constant interruptions. Thanks to the intervention of the security planned by the organization of the congratulations, it did not go to adults. ”
On the measure presented by Solís, the diocese called “those who give justice to carefully evaluate the criteria of the complaint, which are not consistent with the mentioned values, or with the religious freedom and of expression that governs in our people.”