The Archbishop of Valladolid, Mons. Luis Argüello, invites the faithful at the beginning of Lent 2025 to “enter the water of baptism again” and review the way in which we celebrate the Eucharist as keys of conversion in this liturgical time.
The president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) has published a letter entitled Renew baptism To participate in the Eucharist ”, in which it emphasizes that“ if the mud loses the water it transforms into a despicable dust ”, in reference to the rite of imposition of the ash that is carried out this Wednesday.
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“Lent offers us every year this great opportunity: again, in the water of baptism, immerse ourselves in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to host, again, the grace he gives us with this sacrament,” says the prelate.
Thus, Lent, as “baptismal time”, constitutes an opportunity to “renew our ecclesial communion and belonging”, so Mons. Argüello invites us to consider that “our way of living communion, our community deficiencies or our limits are concrete territory of conversion in this Lent.”
On the other hand, the prelate states that in Lent “we become aware of what it means to be baptized and fall into the areas of the heart that resist being bathed by this water that regenerates.”
consequence, proposes to cultivate prayer, fasting and alms “as concrete means to clear the heart of everything that hinders to receive, again, on the Holy Night of Easter the water that recreates everything.”
Mons. Argüello also asks for a conversion look regarding participation in the Eucharist, “because Sunday is our hallmark and the Eucharist is the sacrament of our faith.”
In this sense, remember that “to be able to sit at the Eucharist banquet, we need the well -arranged baptism dress.” Therefore, Lent is propitious time “to renew baptism in the sacrament of penance.”
The prelate also recalls that, “in order to participate fully in the Eucharist and commune the body and blood of the Lord, our heart must be desired. This desire is expressed by the white dress of the heart. ”
After urging to review “what is our awareness of the real presence of the Lord” or “how is our spirit of worship”, the prelate points out that “the Eucharist is not only an act of particular or personal piety, but it is a celebration of the Christian community.”
“Become! Believe in this good news, it falls into the fragility each time the grace of the dust from the earth is separated to, thus, to renew our baptism in Easter and participate more fully of the Eucharist, sacrament of our faith, ”concludes Mons. Argüello.