Mexico: Revea current state of old age in society and in the Catholic Church

A study of the Center for Family, Bioethics and Society Studies of the Pontifical University of Mexico (CEFABIOS) underlines the urgent need to address the aging of the population in the country and in the Mexican Catholic Church.

The report, entitled “Family and old age: challenges for contemporary Mexico”, It was prepared in 2024 by a team of 10 researchers with the support of two external specialists. His presentation took place on February 4, 2025 at the Auditorium of the Pontifical University of Mexico.

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The study examines key aspects such as health, education and social integration of older adults, in addition to including theological reflections on old age.

Study findings

Fr. José Guillermo Gutiérrez Fernández, director of CEFABIOS, explained in an interview with ACI Press that one of the main findings of the study is “the need to attract attention to the urgency of having public policies, and also very clear pastoral lines, for The attention of this stage of the life of this segment of the population, which in the coming years will grow much more ”.

The study projects that by 2030, older people will reach 15% of the Mexican population, and will reach 23% by 2050; That is, almost a quarter of the population will be older adult.

This, explained Fr. Gutiérrez Fernández, means that effective public policies must be implemented, “not only in the line of welfare, but, above all, in the line of a culture of rights.”

The priest said the elderly “live longer, but there are also fewer young people who hold pensioning and public health plans.” In addition, he indicated that there are non -manifest protocols that limit attention to older adults in some health systems.

Old age in the Catholic Church

For the priest, who also has a master’s degree in Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, this study can also be used to improve pastoral care to the elderly.

He explained that “almost throughout the Catholic orb, the population of older adults increases”, so it is necessary to plan a “pastoral for older adults that is integral.”

He also pointed out that “it cannot be taken for granted that older adults are always the living forces of the parish.” He stressed that the secularization process has also impacted this population, causing some elders to necessarily be the guarantors of religious tradition.

In this sense, he stressed the importance of strengthening the intergenerational relationship, promoting a “virtuous alliance between young generations and grandparents.” He explained that, in many cases, grandparents are responsible for the care and education of grandchildren, which represents an opportunity to “transmit faith in the first place and all wisdom to young people.”

Fr. Gutiérrez Fernández also mentioned the challenge of serving the elderly priests, whose number is also increasing. “I do not mean only houses that cannot only be as old man repositories, but have dignified attention, decent care.”

The study is available at the Pontifical University of Mexico and also in digital format on the website of the Editorial Nun.

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