The emotional tribute for the huge skateboard Nora Vega

He Argentine Olympic Committee He extended the celebrations of his centenary and added them to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Pan American Mar del Plata Games 1995held in March of that year. And he did it big, with an encounter full of emotion and history at the iconic Hotel Tronador de The happy onewhich summoned prominent personalities of the Marplatense sport, with the huge Nora Vega at the head.

The skater, who was in charge of turning on the pebetero in that appointment 30 years ago, in which she then won two golds, one silver and a bronze in speed skating, participated in a panel with members of the organizing committee of those games.

“The experience of the 95 games was incredible because when they started, all Mar del Plata was present in each scenario, it was somewhat beautiful. I was lucky to compete at the beginning and be able to see many of my fellow athletes and friends. The games left a very important legacy in the city because many Marplatean children could devote themselves to a sport, “recalled who was champion in the 300 meters counterreloj and 3 thousand meters per relay in those Pan -Americans.

Vega was only one of the marcratenses flags of that event they said present at the party organized by COA. They were also Ana María Comaschi, Mariano Sala, Leonardo Malgor y Guillermo Cacián (athletics), Luis Lazarte (boxing), Pablo Fajián y Gastón César (Natación), Natalia Martínez, Sergio McCargo, Guillermo Trinoli y Andrea Gonzalez (Patín Carrera), Luis Pascal (remo), Ezequiel Albelo (squash), Patricia Santana (taekwondo), Silvia Pollano (number), María Virginia Coronel y Silvana Calcagno (triathlon) and Paula Parisi (volleyball).

The surfer Leandro Usunathe former lioness and secretary of Sports of the Nation Inésathletes Mariano Mastromarino y María de los Ángeles PeraltaBeach Volley player Martín Conde And the rowers Cristian y Brian Rosso They were some of the athletes and former local athletes that were once Olympic and that also received recognition at the close of the night.

And they were also honored Raúl Scafati, Ken on the y Claudia Alejandra Rodríguezmultiple world champions of Patín Carrera.

Mario Mocciapresident of COA, was accompanied Guillermo MontenegroMayor of the General Pueyrredón Party, several authorities of the Marplatense sport and members of the agency that presides, including the Olympic champions Walter PérezVice President 2 and President of the Athlete Commission, and Paula Paretorepresentative of the athletes at the board of directors and member of the International Olympic Committee.

“Mar del Plata is a fantastic city to organize events of all kinds, fundamentally international events that allow South America, America and the world to be the potential that this city has,” Moccia said.

Nora Vega, emblem of the 1995 Pan -Americans, recalled with emotion those games. Photo Coa Press

The evening also served to celebrate two important events for the Argentine city and sport. First, Mar del Plata’s postulation as the headquarters of the 2027 Silver South American Gameswhich was announced a few weeks ago.

“We are very confident to be able to do them,” he said Sebastián D’A andreaPresident of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Entity (EMDER). “

He added: “This also has to do with the history of Marplatense sport. The 1995 Pan American Games have had a very large social impact on the city, in addition to the sports, political and economic. Marplatense sport is what it is for the investment that was made in infrastructure 30 years ago. “

Second, the closure of the cycle Olympic beach 2025. A project that, as Moccia explained, “aims to concentrate in a recreational place to people who are resting in their free time, with a proposal that is sports, recreational and healthy, where everyone can play, have fun, entertain themselves, participate in events , strengthen your environmental commitment and disseminate values ​​through our Olympic athletes and medalists. “

Within the framework of that movement led by COA, for a month (between January 9 and February 9), competences, clinics, exhibitions and cultural, recreational and educational activities were organized in Mar del Plata, Cariló, Pinamar, Chapadmalal y Valeria del Maropen to the public and with the participation of outstanding Argentine athletes.

There were césped hockey classes by Rocío Sánchez Mocciaformer captain of the lions; of Seven Rugby led by Los Pumas Lucas González Amorosino, Joaquin Pellandini, Lavageen’s visitors y Santino finished; of surfing in which Usuna catfish shared his knowledge; and athletics, which had Germán Chiaraviglioamong others, as coach. Also of Beach Handball, Basketball 3×3, Skate, Table Tennis, Boxing, Beach Volley, Soccer, Skating.

In addition, the COA installed a “branch” of its Olympic museum in the thunder that remains open to the public. And there were talks in which some prominent national athletes shared their experiences and also several days of cleaning beaches, organized by the Sports Sustainability Commission.

Through those meetings they passed, for example, Eugenia de Armaswakeboard worldwide two -time champion, and Cecilia Carranzagold in the Na Nacra 17 of Yachting in Río 2016 next to Santiago Lange; and Pareto, Olympic Judo champion in the Carioca appointment.

It was a month in which the Olympic spirit felt present in every corner of the Argentine beaches. “We are sport, more education, culture, environmental care and health for all who love sports,” Moccia reflected.

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