With a story that goes back to Beyond the year 5,000 AC. In Egypt, Greece and Rome, Carnival is one of the great traditions that remain alive in the world and in different social contexts. “There is no force or law that applauds to the carnivalone of those things that always transcended institutions and – why not – to laws. A whole is valid, a flesh is worth where the law is the object of observation and mockery, ”wrote the playwright Rafael Spregelburd.
Throughout the country, this party is resignified, restructuring and, mainly, is celebrated. From the Ancestral party of the chaya In La Rioja – with its music, flour and basil – until the deployment of the great comparsas of Gualaaguaychú and Corrientesthrough the Andean Carnival of Jujuy, a party that celebrates the fertility of the earth and life.
Regarding this celebration, which will arrive in a few days, we prepare a Guide to the main carnivals of the countrywith its characteristics, dates and main activities. To join this great popular celebration, with its Hispanic, indigenous, African -American, urban, coastal or Andean identity. To meet the other. To live, even for a while, those Dionysian and Bacanal celebrations. To be part of the abundance of The great party of the holidays.
The Entrerrianos de Gualeguaychú tell that the carnivals They celebrated throughout the daywith water war during the hours of the nap, parades, murgas and carriages, between feathers, sequins and drums. Over time, that party became popular.
“The country’s carnival, the largest open -air show,” this party is currently presented, One of the most popular in the country. With the José Luis Manager corsadrom, located in the park of the station, as an epicenter of the activities, the city lives 11 nights of pure carnival.

The celebrations began on January 4 – the first day there were more than 20 thousand people – and will continue Until March 3. During January and February, it will be only on Saturdays; While in March it will be Saturday 1, Sunday 2 and The closure on Monday 3on the weekend XXL of Carnival.
Papelos, Marí Marí, Kamar and Ará Yeví are the troupes that will compete to be the new champion; In addition, there will be 12 floats and more than a thousand members on stage. Tickets are obtained from $ 20,000 through Ticketek.
Reports, (03446) 237776 /644455 /225258.

“He more sumptuous, contradictory and -Will moments- Fun country show” Thus the writer Rodolfo Walsh described at the Correntina party in his unforgettable chronic “Carnival Caté”, published in 1966 in the Panorama magazine. Almost 60 years passed since then, but there are things that do not change: art and passion for carnival, in addition to the great deployment of the comparsas.
This year the carnival will live ten party nightsfrom February 1 to March 3, with comparsas representatives of Santo Tomé, Ituzaingó, Monte Caseros, Paso de los Libres, Curuzú Cuatiá, Bella Vista and corner. The Nolo aka corsadrom of Corrientes expects to receive about 20 thousand attendees every night, distributed in popular stands, stalls, numbered and corporate boxes, on a land with a parking lot for 3,000 vehicles.
The price of tickets varies according to the days. There are from $ 6,500 to the VIP numbered, which reach $ 30,000. The sale is through the Website NurticKet.com.
In parallel, the neighborhood carnival is held, a more popular and itinerant celebration that travels every night a different neighborhood of the city, with free admission.

May 25
Called “Provincial Capital of Carnival”, This city-northern city of the province of Buenos Aires celebrates its party at the Valmarosa Boulevar, Las Mulitas Laguna, a 30-hectare recreational space.
There is installed a 400 -meter -long walkway by eight wide, where about 500 artists parade. The celebrations began on January 11 and will run until March 2. Prices are popular, from $ 2,000.
This year, the “25” Carnival will feature the Miru, Burucuyá troupes and thus, along with the Maimará and Empress batucadas, the floats of Club Argentinos and Capilla del Carmen. Entries in carnival25demayo.com.ar.

“Come Vinito Patero/Sweet and partying, inside just,” says La Chayita del Vidalero, Ramón Navarro. That song, which was immortalized in the voice of Mercedes Sosa, accounts for the great party of the Riojans, the National Chaya Festivalwhich is characterized by the courage of flour and water and by being an ancestral party that honors the Pachamama
It will be the days February 7, 8 and 9 at the Autodrome La Rioja City, with great national figures. The first day will play Abel Pintos, Christian Herrera, La Bruja Salguero, the singers of Alba and Trulalá.
On Saturday 8, Sergio Galleguillo, Soledad Pastorutti, those of Alberdi and El Loco Amato, while the closure will be in charge of LBC and Euge Quevedo, La Konga and the Orellana/Lucca duo. Tickets are available at Paseshow.com.ar or in different points of sale in the province.
The entrance to the Ranchos sector (admission is allowed with conservatives, drink and food) costs $ 10,000, and the plate, $ 20,000.

Los Comadres Thursdaylos Topamientoslos folk shows of dance and song, the Tents of yesteryearhe chopped paper and the paint… From the Puna to the mountain jungle, the carnival extends throughout the territory of Salta.
Corsos of costumes and Characteristics Salteñas tents –full of musicians- are some of the most traditional parties. In CerrillosProvincial Capital of Carnival, the Corsos have already begun, and will continue until February 22.
In San Antonio de los Cobres – from where the train starts to the clouds – the comadres encounter will be held on February 27, and Carnival’s dismissal on Friday 28, next to the exhibition of comparsas on Saturday 1. The party in the “Highest carnival in the world”It will continue until Sunday, March 9.
In PersimmonsMeanwhile, there will be Carnival’s dismissal, Copler and Bagualo Meeting on Saturday 1, and Kallchaki Carnival – it is characterized by its crowds – on Sunday, March 2. On Monday 3 it will close with a couple of couples and dancers, games and traditional dances.
The party will also extend to Quijano field, San Lorenzo and the Salta City. On the other hand, the Serenatero Carnival and the Serenata to Cafayate on February 20, 21 and 22. The 51st edition of the famous serenade will have the first day of the party to Jorge Rojas, Sergio Galleguillo, Campedrino and the appointers of Alba, among others.
The 21 will be the turn of El Indio Lucio Rojas, Lázaro Caballero, Bruno Arias and Joaquín Sosa; while The closure will be from the Chaqueño PalavecinoFranco Barrionuevo and Mariana Carrizo. Tickets from $ 30,000 to $ 80,000.

A little more than 300 kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires, in the northwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Lincoln proudly exhibits the title of National Capital of Artisanal Carnival.
The city carnival has more than 130 years of tradition And he is famous for his majestic floats and especially for the “Cabezudos”(Dolls) more than three meters high in Cartapesta.
In its 2025 edition, the Carnival will be deployed for six nights: February 21, 22 and 23 and March 1, 2 and 3, with parades that will be held throughout Massey Avenue – the main city – and that will last about four hours, in addition to musical shows of bands such as The Delio Valdez, Angela Leiva, Trulalá and others. Free admission.

Great Festival of the Norte Argentino and with strong roots in the rituals of the original peoples, the jujeño carnival is uNot of the unmissable and most massive in the countrywith a carnival spirit that feels weeks before the “officer”, which marks the Christian calendar.
In this 2025 edition, the JEUVES DE COMPADRESdedicated to the male brotherhood, it will be February 20. A week later, on the 27th of the same month, the Comadres Thursdaya day where women take prominence with couplets, serpentines and toasts that fill places and houses with festive energy.

He Large carnivalMeanwhile, it will be held from March 1 to 4, followed by Chico Carnivalwhich will be on March 8 and 9. During these days, the streets of Jujuy explode from music, dance and costumes, while the devil’s dissent marks the symbolic beginning of the holiday.
Each region of the province contributes its own identity and tradition to this collective celebration, and although the party is celebrated throughout the Jujeño territory, the most popular is the carnival of the Humahuaca Quebradamainly in Tilcara, Humahuaca and Purmamarca, where the ritual of the devil’s dismissal is the main protagonist.
This ancestral act represents the release of festive energy, after which the troupes travel the streets with dances and music. The public can join a troupe at a cost of between $ 10,000 and $ 15,000 per day.
He closure of the festivities arrives with the funeral of the devilan act loaded with symbolism and gratitude towards the Pachamama. There are always serpentines, flags, confetti and, of course, drink and food as an offering to the Pachamama.

The thermal city of Entre Ríos will live its carnival during Six Saturdaysfrom January 25 to March 1. José Luis Silvestri Avenue will be the stage where Three comparsas (Arambay, Yasí-Porá and Mitocade) will compete for the title of the best Carnestolenda party of King Momo.
The general entrance to the corsadrom has a cost of $ 8,000. The sale of tickets is face -to -face in the parade or in Auditorium “City of Federation”. Reports in www.federacion.tur.ar.