San Agustín, the Devil and the Demonology: Association of Exorcistas Lanza Nuevo Book.

The International Exorcist Association (AIE) launched the new book Demonology and exorcism in San Agustín de Hiponaby Francesco Scarsella, doctor of theology and patristic sciences at the Pontifical Patristical Institute Augustinianum of Rome.

In a text published in the Sitio web from aie A few days ago, Scarsella states that in the twentieth century there was an abandonment of the “theological study of the demonic”, something that has had a slight rebound in this 21st century.

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“If this applies to demonology in general, Augustinian demonology represents a much more limited field that has suffered even more due to such lack of attention” and that is reflected in the “large number of mentions that St. Augustine, based on the New Testament And in the posterior patristic tradition, he dedicates the demonic in his works. ”

In that sense, Scarsella emphasizes that the “Augustinian doctrine” is “certainly innovative for its integrity, for the amount of data it collects, by the questions it raises.” The causes of their “absence” must be sought “in the aforementioned theological forgetfulness of the demonic.”

The expert then refers that his book wants to be “a contribution to fill the void and draw a general panorama of Augustinian demonology, answering questions about the existence, nature and action of fallen angels, with the same words of the saint of Hippo.”

“It will be discovered so, despite the distance of the centuries, that the teaching of Doctor of grace (Doctor of Grace, as San Agustín is also called) on the issues examined here continues The expert emphasizes.

Who was San Agustín?

San Agustín, father and doctor of the Church, was born in 354 in Tagaste, Numidia, the current Algeria in Africa. Born in a well -off family, he was the son of Patricio and Santa Monica; and lived a libertine life. Being young he had a son named Adeodato.

Despite his Christian education, Agustín abandoned faith and joined the sect of Manichaeism; But in Milan and in the summer of the year 386 he heard a voice that sang in Latin “Great, lay”(Take and read).

The Saint took a Bible and read chapter 13,13-14 of the San Pablo Charter to the Romans who said: “No comilonas and drunkenness; Nothing lusts and unbridled … Coats rather of the Lord Jesus Christ and do not worry about the flesh to satisfy their concupiscences. ”

He became and became bishop of Hipona. Among his most famous works are “The Confessions” (his spiritual autobiography), “The City of God”, “in the Christian doctrine”, and “Manual of Faith, Hope and Love”.

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