Complete homily of Pope Francis on the Solemnity of Saint Mary, Mother of God

It is beautiful then that the year begins by invoking her; It is beautiful that the faithful People, as of old in Ephesus, proclaim with joy to the Holy Mother of God. Words Mother of God In fact, they express the joyful certainty that the Lord, a tender Child in his mother’s arms, has joined forever to our humanity, to the point that it is no longer just ours, but also his. Mother of God: These are few words to confess the eternal alliance of the Lord with us. Mother of God: it is a dogma of faith, but it is also a “dogma of hope”; God in man and man in God, forever. The Holy Mother of God. Let us proclaim it together, three times: Holy Mother of God! Holy Mother of God! Holy Mother of God!

In the fullness of time the Father sent his Son born of a woman; but Saint Paul’s text adds a second message: “God sent into our hearts the Spirit of his Son, who cries out to God, calling him: Abba! Father!” (Ga 4,6). And also in the sending of the Spirit the Mother is the protagonist: the Holy Spirit descends on her at the Annunciation (cf. Lc 1:35), then at the beginning of the Church it descends on the Apostles gathered in prayer with “Mary, the mother” (Hch 1,14). In this way, Mary’s welcome has brought us the greatest gifts; she has “made the Lord of majesty our brother” (THOMAS DE CELANO, Second lifeCL, 198: FF 786) and has allowed the Spirit to cry out in our hearts: “Abba!, Dad!”. Mary’s motherhood is the way to find the paternal tenderness of God, the closest, most direct, easiest way. Let us not forget this: Mary’s motherhood is the way to find the paternal tenderness of God, the closest, most direct, easiest way. Let’s not forget this. God’s style, which is closeness, compassion and mercy.

The Mother, in fact, leads us to the beginning and heart of faith, which is not a theory or a commitment, but rather an immense gift, which makes us beloved children, homes of the Father’s love. Therefore, welcoming the Mother into one’s life is not a devout choice, but a demand of faith: “If we want to be Christians, we must be Marians” (St. PAUL VI, Homily in CagliariApril 24, 1970), that is children of Mary,

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