Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

“The Son of God was always begotten by God the Father and is consubstantial with him. Obviously, in that eternal generation Mary did not intervene at all. But the Son of God, two thousand years ago, took on our human nature and then Mary conceived him and gave birth to him.”

Likewise, the Holy Father pointed out that Mary’s motherhood “does not concern the entire Trinity, but only the second Person, the Son, who, when incarnated, took human nature from her.” Furthermore, “a mother is not only a mother of the body or of the physical creature that comes out of her womb, but of the person she engenders,” stressed Saint John Paul II.

Intercede for us, Our Mother!

Finally, it is important to remember that Mary is not only Mother of God, but she is also our mother, because Jesus Christ wanted it that way, a will expressed in his testament from the cross to the apostle John.

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