Pope Francis encourages not to get used to the ordinary of things

God, he continued, “has saved us like this: he did not come adult, but very small; He lived in a family, the son of a mother and father; There he spent most of his time, growing, learning, in a life of everyday life, hiding and silence.

“And he did not avoid difficulties, on the contrary, choosing a family, a family ‘expert in suffering’, and he says to our families: ‘If you find yourself in difficulties, I know what you feel, I have lived it: Me, my mother and my Father, we tried it to also tell his family: they are not alone!’”

Pope Francis highlighted that “Joseph and Mary ‘were amazed at the things that were said about Jesus’, because they did not believe that it was the old man Simeon and the prophetess Anna who said these things. “They were amazed.”

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