Parishioners celebrate 20 years making chasubles and corporals for the missions

“Carmen, why don’t you find a group to make liturgical trousseau for the missions?” This was the improvised call that Father Miguel León made in the street 20 years ago to a parishioner of San Bartolomé and San Jaime in the town of Nules (Diocese of Segorbe-Castellón, Spain).

At 83 years old, this embroiderer remembers the moment as if it were yesterday. “The next day, she already had four volunteers,” she explains in an animated telephone conversation with ACI Prensa. “Then more joined in. We went up to 15,” she adds.

After two decades, about four or five volunteers continue to come to the workshop for two hours a week, where they do part of the work, but not all: “The hemstitching—embroidery on the edge of the hems that is done by extracting threads from the fabrics—is done at home”.

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