Argentina: Archbishop enthrones image of the Virgin of Pilar

On the eve of the feast of Our Lady of Pilar, which is celebrated on October 12, an image of that dedication was enthroned in a public square in the City of Buenos Aires.

The act of enthronement and blessing of the image was led by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Mons. Jorge García Cuerva, who also celebrated the Eucharist in the Mujica Láinez square, in the Recoleta neighborhood.

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Among those present were the Undersecretary of Worship and Civilization of the Nation, Agustín Caulo; the general director of Cults of the City of Buenos Aires, Pilar Bosca; and members of the educational community of the Nuestra Señora de Pilar parish institute.

The entertainment was provided by the Federal Police Band, and the Mass was concelebrated by several priests, including the parish priest of Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Fr. Gastón Lorenzo.

The archbishop proposed to those present to give a gift to Mary: “The best gift we can give to the Virgin today is to be united as brothers. If there is someone who calls us to unity, if there is someone who unites us, it is the Mother “.

“The squares of the neighborhood are the places where we generally meet the neighbors, those we love and those we more or less, but they are meeting places. Today, María del Pilar brings us together in this square, a place of meeting, meeting place, family place,” said the prelate.

In this framework, he emphasized the fact that “in a public place space is given again to the religious.” That, he considered, “does not mean that we are all Catholics, it means that we respect each other and that we can, in the name of diversity , be different”.

“This is what the Virgin likes most, bringing us together. That is why I am sure that today the Virgin is happy,” he stressed.

“Mom is here, mom takes care of you, mom unites us, mom brings us together in this square, mom makes us better neighbors, makes us more brothers. In short, mom makes us family,” he concluded.

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