Anniversary of the last apparition of Fatima: Pope Francis asks for those suffering from war

Remembering that this October 13 commemorates the last apparition of the Virgin of Fátima to the little shepherds Lucía dos Santos and the saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, which occurred in 1917, Pope Francis asked Saint Mary for all those who “suffer from the war and every form of violence and misery.”

“Stop, please!”

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In his words after praying the Angelus, this Sunday, October 13, the Pope reiterated his concern about “what is happening in the Middle East and I once again ask for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts. Let us follow the paths of diplomacy and dialogue to achieve peace.”

“I am close to all the populations involved, in Palestine, Israel and Lebanon, where I ask that the United Nations peacekeepers be respected,” he said, assuring his prayers “for all the victims, for the displaced, for the hostages.” “I hope they will be released immediately, and I hope that this great useless suffering, generated by hatred and revenge, ends soon.”

“Brothers and sisters, war is an illusion, it is a defeat, it will never bring peace, it will never bring security, it is a defeat for everyone, especially for those who believe they are invincible. “Stop, please!” he exclaimed.

Let Ukrainians not die of cold

Just two days after his meeting with the president of UkraineVolodymyr Zelensky, the Holy Father also called today that, given the approach of winter and the continued war in the region, “Ukrainians are not left to die of cold” and that “air attacks against the population cease.” civil, which is always the most affected. “Stop killing innocents!”

Pope Francis, attentive to the “dramatic situation in Haiti”

The Pope also recalled in his message the “dramatic situation in Haiti”, a country plunged into chaos generated by gangs, “where violence against the population continues, forced to flee their homes in search of safety in other places, within and outside the country.”

“Let us never forget our Haitian brothers and sisters,” he urged, and asked “everyone to pray that all forms of violence cease and, with the commitment of the international community, continue working to build peace and reconciliation in the country.” “, always defending the dignity and rights of all.”

The Pope joins the initiative “One million children praying the Rosary”

Francis then recalled that on Friday, October 18, the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will carry out the initiative “One million children pray the Rosary for peace in the world.” emerged in 2005 in Venezuela and that has successfully spread throughout the world.

“Thank you to all the boys and girls who participate!” said the Pope, ensuring that “we join them” and entrusted the intercession of the Virgin Mary “of whom today we commemorate the anniversary of the last apparition in Fatima” to “the tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan and the other populations suffering from war and every form of violence and misery.”

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