Pope Francis: True wealth is not material things

Pope Francis assured that “true wealth is not the goods of this world,” but rather “being loved by God and learning to love like Him.”

This is what the Holy Father said to the faithful gathered this Sunday, October 13, in St. Peter’s Square for the recitation of the Angelus.

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Remembering that today’s Gospel (Mk 10:17-30) presents the passage of the rich young man to whom Jesus “invites him to leave everything and follow him” but who leaves sad because he had many riches, the Pope pointed out that “we can see Here are the two movements of this man: at first, he runs to go see Jesus; In the end, however, he leaves sad.”

When he runs to see Jesus, the Pontiff indicated, it is as if something in the young man’s heart “drives him: in fact, despite having so much wealth, he feels dissatisfied, he carries within him a restlessness, he goes in search of a better life.” full.”

“As the sick and the demon-possessed often do, as seen in the Gospel, he prostrates himself at the feet of the Master; He is rich, and yet he needs to be healed,” he highlighted, then highlighting that “Jesus looks at him with love; Then, he proposes to him to sell everything he owns, give it to the poor and follow him.”

“But, at this point, an unexpected conclusion comes: that man makes a sad face and leaves! “So great and impetuous has been her desire to know Jesus, how cold and rapid has been her farewell to Him,” he lamented.

The Pope then highlighted that “we too carry in our hearts an irrepressible need for happiness and a life full of meaning; However, we can fall into the illusion of thinking that the answer lies in possessing material things and earthly security.”

“Jesus, on the other hand, wants to lead us to the truth of our desires and make us discover that, in reality, the good we long for is God himself, his love for us and the eternal life that He and only He can give us.”

“True richness is for Him to look at us with love, as Jesus does with that man, and to love each other, making our lives a gift for others,” he added, and highlighted that “Jesus invites us to take risks, to take risks to love.” : sell everything to give to the poor.”

This, he explained, “means stripping ourselves and our false securities, paying attention to those in need and sharing our goods,” and this not only implies the things we have, “but what we are,” such as “our friendship, our time.”

At the end of his message, the Pope encouraged the faithful to ask themselves: “to what is our heart attached? How do we satisfy our hunger for life and happiness? Do we know how to share with those who are poor, with those who are in difficulty or who need a little listening, a smile, a word that helps them regain hope?

“Let us remember this: true wealth is not the goods of this world, true wealth is being loved by God and learning to love like Him,” he said.

In addition, he encouraged us to ask for “the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to help us discover in Jesus the treasure of life.”

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