Spain: Bishop baptizes 17 children saved from abortion

“Congratulations for being brave, for having said yes to life!” exclaimed the Bishop of Getafe (Spain), Bishop Ginés García Beltrán, when addressing the mothers and fathers who rejected abortion and whose children received the sacrament of baptism.

The ceremony took place in the parish of San Josemaría María Escrivá, in the Madrid municipality of Alcorcón, during the afternoon of Saturday, October 5. The 17 children were rescued from abortion thanks to the work carried out outside abortion centers by the Más Futuro Association and the Juan Pablo II Rescuers.

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“Today we are celebrating the festival of life,” said the prelate during the ceremony, according to the website of the Diocese of Getafe. And later he stressed that “we are not a number, we are not something, we are not waste, but we are someone.”

“God has thought of and loved your children since before the creation of the world,” said Bishop García Beltrán to the children’s parents.

The Spanish bishop stressed that “these children are not here by chance, none of them. I don’t know the circumstances under which you became pregnant, what I do know is that God always wanted your children, he had them in mind, therefore, they are not just one more, they are not a statistical number but someone important.”

The 17 children who received Baptism, he assured, “are not a waste that I can do with them what I want,” remembering that “man and woman have dignity.”

The Bishop of Getafe assured that “it is a joy, a joy, to be able to baptize these 17 children, who could not have been and yet are and what do we know what they will be in the future? What do we know what they will be able to give to society? What do we know how much good they can do?

“That is why we thank the Lord for these new Christians,” he said.

The prelate encouraged mothers that when they face “some difficulty, some discouragement” to think “of the Virgin with her Son in her arms, like you, to find in her the strength, the consolation, the light that you need.”

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