Cardinal Sturla: Declaration on the blessing of homosexual couples was not a topic for Christmas 2023

“It is not licit to impart a blessing to relationships, or even stable couples, that involve sexual praxis outside of marriage (that is, outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open, by itself, to the transmission of life ), as is the case of unions between people of the same sex. The presence in such relationships of positive elements, which in themselves are to be appreciated and valued, is not yet capable of justifying them and making them the licit object of an ecclesial blessing, because such elements are at the service of a union not ordered to the design of God”, indicates the explanatory note of the answer.

Begging for confidence “creates confusion”

In the interview with El País, Cardinal Sturla points out that the declaration Begging for confidence “It creates confusion, because it says that you can bless, but not through a ritual. In short, what I believe is that people can be blessed, but couples as such, as couples, cannot.”

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