Pope Francis calls for the release of Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi

During his private meeting with Jesuit priests on his trip to Asia and Oceania, Pope Francis stated that he has asked for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese politician who was arrested in 2021 in Myanmar.

As reported by the Catholic Civilizationthe Holy Father assured that he requested her release and also received her son in Rome. “I offered the Vatican to receive her in our territory,” added the Pontiff.

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Aung San Suu Kyi is a Burmese politician and activist, promoter of human rights and Nobel Peace Prize winner for her defense of freedom and civil rights, who has been in prison since 2021 after the military coup.

Aung was under house arrest for 15 years and after being released in 2010, she led a process of democratic opening in Myanmar from her party, the National League for Democracy, which won the first free elections in 2015.

She was arrested after a military coup in 2021 when she was State Counselor and currently faces several judicial charges.

It should be noted that Pope Francis asks for prayers for Myanmar in most of his public appearances, especially at the end of the General Audience that he presides every Wednesday from the Vatican.

Likewise, during his meeting with the Jesuits, Pope Francis expressed his closeness to the Rohingya, the Muslim minority that is discriminated against and often victims of persecution: “They are close to my heart,” said the Pontiff.

The Holy Father also recalled that during his trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh in December 2017 he met with Aung San Suu Kyi, then prime minister and at that time in prison.

The two also held a private meeting at the Vatican in October 2013, just 7 months after Francis was elected Pope.

“At this moment the lady is a symbol. And political symbols must be defended. Do you remember that nun on her knees with her hands up in front of the soldiers? She went around the world,” the Holy Father emphasized.


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