Vatican: Pope Francis appoints Cardinal Porras special envoy to CAM6 in Puerto Rico

Pope Francis appointed Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas (Venezuela) as his special envoy for the VI American Missionary Congress (CAM6) to be held in Puerto Rico.

According to the Vatican Press Office This September 21, the Holy Father has named the Venezuelan cardinal as his special envoy for the event that will take place from November 19 to 24 in the Puerto Rican city of Ponce.

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According Celam DNAthe motto of this event is America with the strength of the Spirit, witnesses of Christwhich includes a quote from the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 1, verse 8.

Father Orlando Camacho, general coordinator of the congress, indicated at the end of 2023 that CAM6 is “a path of growth as a Church in Puerto Rico and I believe that we are also motivating the Church of the continent to also grow in the face of the difficulties of bringing the facing the task of Evangelization.”

Who is Cardinal Baltazar Porras?

Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo is a Venezuelan cardinal who was born on October 10, 1944 in Caracas. He is 79 years old and will soon no longer be an elector for a future conclave that will elect the next Pope.

Pope Francis appointed him Pontifical Legate for the Quito 2024 International Eucharistic Congress, which took place in the Ecuadorian capital from September 8 to 15 and in which he presided over the closing Mass.

He was ordained a priest on July 30, 1967. He holds a Doctor in Pastoral Theology from the University of Salamanca (Spain).

He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Mérida on July 30, 1983 and received episcopal consecration on September 17 of the same year. He was named Archbishop of Mérida on October 30, 1991.

Pope Francis created him a cardinal on November 19, 2016. In the Vatican Curia he is a member of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America; and of the dicasteries for the Clergy; Laity, Family and Life; and Culture and Education.

In 2019 he was President delegate to the Amazon Synod at the Vatican.

He was named Archbishop of Caracas on January 17, 2023, at the age of 78, a position he held until his resignation on June 28, 2024.

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