They condemn the PSOE for wanting to prevent the prayer of the Rosary in Spain

The main party of the Government coalition in Spain has been sentenced to pay the costs of the judicial process that it launched to prevent the Rosary of Ferraz from being prayed coinciding with the last European elections.

The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) had appealed the judicial ruling that authorized the recitation of the Rosary on June 8 and 9, 2024, which the Government Delegation had tried to prevent, alleging that it coincided with the corresponding days of reflection and voting. to the European Parliament elections.

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To try to prevent the prayer of the Rosary – as has been done uninterruptedly since November 2023 on the steps of the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception in Madrid – the PSOE took two legal paths.

Firstly, he challenged the magistrate who authorized the prayer on those days and, secondly, he demanded that the sentence be annulled, alleging that the prayer of the Holy Rosary constituted a political act.

Both the claim that the judge was not protected by the appearance of impartiality and the annulment of the sentence have been rejected by the Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid.

In the ruling, to which ACI Prensa has had access, it concludes by condemning the PSOE to pay the costs of the process with a limit of 300 euros.

In statements to ACI Prensa, José Andrés Calderón pointed out that the sentence “is excellent news” that contrasts with the fact that “unfortunately, since we decided to pray in the atrium of the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we have suffered all kinds of coercion. Fines, threats and judicial harassment by a Government and a PSOE that does not want us to be there.”

Calderón considers that these movements against the public prayer of the Rosary constitute a fact that is “truly surprising because we do not politicize the Virgin. We pray solely and exclusively for the Salvation of Spain and the world. We ask the Virgin that the Spaniards convert.”

The promoter of this Marian devotion is convinced despite the inconveniences: “In any case, what is clear is that we are not afraid of them and they will face us to defend the right of Catholics to pray in public places. This judicial victory, which belongs to all Christians, I hope is one of many to come. “It is a recognition of the arbitrariness that we are suffering,” he concludes.

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