Argentina: Archbishop emeritus of La Plata will take over as parish priest

The Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata (Argentina), Bishop Gabriel Mestre, 56, will take office as parish priest of Our Lady of Fátima, in the town of Mar de Ajó, Diocese of Chascomús, next Thursday, September 26.

The surprise resignation of Bishop Mestre from the Archdiocese of La Plata occurred on May 27, 2024, just 10 months after taking office. According to the prelate’s explanation through a letter to the community, the resignation was requested by the Holy Father “after confronting some different perceptions with what happened in the Diocese of Mar del Plata.”

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In Mar del Plata, Bishop Mestre’s home diocese, in the span of three months—from November 2023 to January 2024—two consecutive resignations of bishops appointed by the Pope, along with the appointment of an Apostolic Administrator and the transfer to Jujuy whose Diocesan Administrator, Father Luis Albóniga, was, generated tensions in the community.

Recently, the Bishop of Chascomús, Mons. Juan Ignacio Liébana, announced that the appointment of Mons. Mestre as parish priest of Our Lady of Fátima, in the city of Mar de Ajó, has the zero buy (authorization) of the Dicastery for Bishops of the Vatican.

Bishop Liébana gave a “loving welcome,” thanking the prelate “for his availability and generosity to take on this challenge.” “We know that his presence, his testimony and his vast experience will be a great contribution to our diocese,” he said.

The inauguration ceremony will be on Thursday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the Nuestra Señora de Fátima Parish (Montevideo and José Mármol).

Communities of Mar del Plata accompany Bishop Mestre

Catholic groups from Mar del Plata are organized to accompany the inauguration of Bishop Mestre as parish priest, with free buses that will depart at 2:00 p.m. from Plaza San Martín, according to the local newspaper. The Capital.


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