Spanish bishops launch campaign to promote parish catechesis

The Spanish bishops have launched a campaign to promote parish catechesis in two aspects: awakening the vocation of catechist and encouraging parents to enroll their children in the religious instruction itineraries of the parishes.

The first of them is articulated around the video titled And you, do you want to be a catechist? in which some little catechumens describe the catechist as a person “who transmits peace and patience”, sings “very well”, is “very funny” and has a “sweet” character.

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As explained by the Episcopal Commission for Evangelization, Catechesis and Catechumenate of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) on your website“the vocation to be a catechist is a precious vocation” in which “the disciple of Christ feels like an instrument in the hands of the Church to transmit the faith to the little ones,” to adolescents or to adults who want to deepen their faith.

The invitation to parents to enroll their children in parish catechism also includes a video in which a mother asks for help to fight against her teenage daughter’s apathy and recommends catechism, pointing out a series of reasons for happiness in the parish. family that also leads parents to sign up for adult catechesis.

The Commission for Evangelization points out that catechesis can be a good option in a context in which “there are families for whom faith hardly makes sense” and they plan a multitude of training options for their children.

“Catechesis will provide them with important support in their lives, it will offer them some keys to fill their daily lives with meaning, know that they are loved by God, cultivate evangelical attitudes and grow in friendships that seek their good.”

The campaign will be active until next October 13, the day on which the Spanish dioceses will celebrate the Eucharist of sending catechists. Until then, they will share testimonies from catechists and catechumens through social networks.

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