The streets of Quito surrender before Jesus in a massive procession of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress

The heart of the Historic Center of Quito witnessed an exciting, unforgettable and massive expression of faith and devotion this Saturday, when thousands of faithful came together to accompany the Blessed Sacrament in the procession of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.

Mass in the Plaza de San Francisco that preceded the procession of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. Credit: IEC2024
Mass in the Plaza de San Francisco that preceded the procession of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. Credit: IEC2024

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The atmosphere was filled with deep reverence, songs and praise, while the pilgrims, coming from more than 50 countries on the five continents, walked alongside Jesus the Eucharist through the historic streets of the city, which is recognized as a World Heritage Site. . The procession was led by hundreds of bishops, priests, deacons and seminarians also from different parts of the world.

At 4:30 pm (local time), in the Church of San Francisco, a Mass was celebrated that preceded the procession. The Eucharist was presided over by Mons. Luis Cabrera, Archbishop of Guayaquil and President of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference.

Mons. Luis Cabrera, Archbishop of Guayaquil and President of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference, presided over the Holy Mass. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News
Mons. Luis Cabrera, Archbishop of Guayaquil and President of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference, presided over the Holy Mass. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News

The Ecuadorian prelate reminded the nearly 5,000 attendees in the Plaza de San Francisco that the “Eucharist invites us to a fraternity to save the lives of the personal and social world, often caused by resentment, violence, indignity and death.”

Furthermore, he stated: “Jesus not only saves us from sin, but offers us eternal life, so that we can heal the wounds of the world, just as He redeemed us by giving Himself on the cross.”

Faithful receiving communion. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News
Faithful receiving communion. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News

Finally, he concluded with a call to action: “As a fraternity committed to the salvation of the world, let us renew our firm purpose to work tirelessly for freedom, justice and peace, both in our countries and throughout the world.”

At the end of the Mass, the procession began with hundreds of people kneeling and praying the antiphons of adoration. The journey began with the song “God of Love” and then other songs of worship followed. Along the 1.3 kilometer route, more than 120 carefully crafted flower carpets adorned the path to the majestic Basilica of the National Vow.

The procession advanced with a solemn step, accompanied by songs and stopping at seven stations. In each one, different prayers were raised such as: for the Pope and the Church; for the country, the city and the rulers; for consecrated life; for the family; for peace; for children and young people; and by priests and pastoral agents.

Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News
Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News

The monstrance, at all times, was the center of all eyes and hearts along the journey to the basilica. From balconies, street corners or pilgrims behind the Eucharist, the faithful, some with tears and others with smiles, but all with the same fervor, worshiped the living Christ with classic songs such as “Let’s sing to the love of loves,” “Pescador of men”, “A new commandment”, “Fisherman of men”, among others.

Upon arriving at the imposing Basilica of the National Vow, the Blessed Sacrament was entered inside the temple. The final blessing with the Blessed Sacrament was carried out by Cardinal Baltazar Porras, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas and Pontifical Legate of the International Eucharistic Congress. It was a moment full of fervor, with the people in prayer and contemplation before the real presence of Christ.

Cardinal Baltazar Porras, Pontifical Legate of the International Eucharistic Congress granting the final blessing with the Blessed Sacrament. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News
Cardinal Baltazar Porras, Pontifical Legate of the International Eucharistic Congress granting the final blessing with the Blessed Sacrament. Credit: Eduardo Berdejo – EWTN News

After the blessing, the people of God were invited to continue worshiping the Blessed Sacrament and to the closing Mass of the Congress, to be held in the Bicentennial Park at 10:00 am on Sunday, September 15.

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