Argentina: This is how Bible Month is celebrated

In September, the Catholic Church celebrates Bible Month. With numerous activities and in different parts of the world, this month is an occasion to remember the importance of the Word of God in the path of personal and community faith, as well as in Evangelization.

Within this framework, different dioceses in Argentina organized activities. This is the case of the Archdiocese of Tucumán, where the Biblical Weekwith the presence of the Spanish biblical scholar Junkal Guevara.

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“Read, read and read the Word even if you do not understand it; start reading with a simple part like the Gospel of Matthew; and do not get tired, because God makes the Word bear fruit in the hearts,” the specialist advised.

In the city of Crespo, belonging to the Archdiocese of Paraná, on the occasion of Bible Month there will be this weekend a gesture of unity and fraternity between the Catholic Church and the evangelical Churches, with the motto “Lord give us the light of your Word.”

This is an ecumenical celebration, which will take place on Sunday, September 15 at the city’s Bible Monument (Av. Seri and Irigoyen) starting at 3:30 p.m. There will be moments of reflection, musical animation, biblical readings and prayer.

To celebrate this special month, the dioceses of Neuquén and the Alto Valle de Río Negro will have the visit of the Master in Sacred Scriptures Gerardo García Helder, member of the National Department of Animation and Biblical Pastoral (DeNAPBi) of the Argentine Episcopal Conference (CEA). ), who will participate in two meetings offering different workshops.

The first of them will be on Saturday, September 21 in the city of Cipolletti, on the theme “From the gospel to the gospels.” The day will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School (Sarmiento 351). More information at telephone numbers: +54 9 299 5176485 (Belén) or +54 9 299 4730287 (Ingrid).

The second day will be on Sunday, September 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Casa 3 Corazones (Chocón and Tronador), in Neuquén Capital. There, García Helder will offer the workshop “Study of the prayer that Jesus taught us: Our Father.” Those who wish to participate can register at this link.

In Buenos Aires, the Claretiana Publishing House convened a “Bible Laboratory” led by the Bishop of Resistencia, Mons. Ángel José Macín and titled “Pilgrims of Hope in the Gospel of Luke.”

The meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18 at 5:00 p.m. at the Nuestra Señora de Sión Bible Center (Directory 440), with free admission.

There, facing the Jubilee 2025, the prelate will delve into the motto ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, illuminated by the Gospel of Saint Luke, its structure and theology.

Like every year, in Colonia Alberdi (Misiones), the “Provincial Bible Festival” is prepared, which takes place on the 4th Sunday of September organized by local Churches.

On this occasion, the invitation is for September 22 at 4:00 p.m. in the square near the sports center, where the Monument to the Bible is located.

Since last year, the festival has included a space for children, which allows parents to enjoy the activities while the minors participate in activities related to the Bible.

The festival, which has been declared of provincial interest and has the support of the Undersecretariat of Cults, has the purpose of uniting the different Christian confessions and promoting fraternity between their Churches.


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