Fires in Bolivia: Catholic Church calls for urgent action and care for the poor

The Bolivian Episcopal Conference shared its concern and called for action in the face of the forest fires that are developing these days in the Chiquitanía region and eastern Bolivia.

with the title “Listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”the Catholic Church in Bolivia called for the care of creation and “our brothers who suffer poverty and the consequences of mistreatment of Mother Earth.”

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The first forest fires in Bolivia began at the end of June, and have expanded to several regions in recent weeks, in which smoke covered practically the entire country

Last Saturday, the National Government decreed a Health Alert due to contamination, with more than 6,000 cases that required medical attention. In addition, he declared a national emergency, requesting help from the international community, which is why brigades from Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and France have already begun to arrive.

In the department of Santa Cruz, the density of the smoke has required the evacuation of families in two rural communities and the closure of airports. In addition, in six departments the suspension of in-person classes was determined.

Faced with this situation, the bishops referred to the “ecological disaster caused by human hands, with irreparable consequences,” and demanded “a prompt response to the damage to the environment caused by indiscriminate burning and fires in Chiquitanía and in so many places.” from the Bolivian East.”

“It is not only the damage to Creation but also the damage to the people who inhabit those territories, due to the destruction of their habitat and air pollution with serious consequences on human health, especially children and the elderly,” they warned. .

In this sense, they urged the responsible political authorities to “act quickly and effectively, thus preventing this environmental and national catastrophe from increasing.”

“It is not only about eradicating the fires, but also about helping all the people who suffer because of this situation and are affected in their economy and daily life,” they expressed.

In addition to action, the prelates focused on the need for prevention, because “what is at stake is the future of our children and young people.”

On the other hand, recalling the words of Pope Francis in Laudato si’, they urged national decision-makers and all people of good will to “recognize the urgency of our environmental challenge”, and underlined the vulnerability of the areas poorer.

“Our Bolivia is one, and the institutions’ view must be not only one of equality, but of preference for those regions of the country that need the most help,” in this case, the Bolivian East, they maintained.

Finally, they renewed their commitment to the regions that are suffering “this environmental and national disaster.”

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