Saint of the day September 11: Our Lady of Coromoto. Catholic Saints

Every September 11, the Blessed Virgin is celebrated under the invocation of Our Lady of Coromoto, Patroness of Venezuela.

A mother who knows her children

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Tradition has it that, after the arrival of the Spanish to the region of Guanare (Venezuela) in 1591, the Indians of the Cospes tribe, inhabitants of the region, decided to abandon their land and move to the area of ​​the Tucupido River with the purpose of not having contact with foreigners and their customs.

The situation remained like this for decades until one day in 1651, Chief Coromoto, head of the cospes, had an extraordinary vision. The leader was able to see with amazement, over the river ravine, the image of a very beautiful woman. Immediately approaching the place, accompanied by his wife, the chief realized that this mysterious woman was looking at them with a sweet expression on her face, while she seemed to move above the waters.

The woman also carried a smiling child in her arms.

When Coromoto managed to get close enough to her, she heard a voice telling her: “Leave the forest with your people and go to the white people so that they can receive water on their heads and enter heaven.”

When we turn our back on God

The chief, impressed by what he had seen and heard, obeyed the Lady and marched with his tribe to where the Spaniards were. There he asked for “water on the head and entrance to heaven,” that is, baptism.

Unfortunately, shortly after, Coromoto and his tribe decided to return to the forest, tired and uncomfortable with the “new regime of life” that “the whites” imposed. That is, a life of chastity, of respect for family, women and children, with no place for tribal hatred.

On September 8, 1652, the “Lady” appeared again, but this time inside Coromoto’s hut. She asked the man to return to the strangers, but the chief flatly refused. Neither the aura nor the luminous rays that surrounded the figure of the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, seemed like enough detail if it was about her changing her will. On the contrary, Coromoto lost control of her and tried to throw her out of her house with screams and threats.

The Lady, then, made to approach the chief, and he, seized with fury, lunged at her with the intention of attacking her. At that moment, the Lady disappeared. Surprised, the Indian realized that he had something in his hands: it was a small stamp (figure) on which the image of the “Lady” was engraved.

The important thing is to stand up

The chief, frightened, fled towards the densest part of the forest. Between the fright and the bewilderment, he was no longer able to notice what was happening around him. Suddenly, in a breath, when he tried to catch his breath a little, he felt a quick and deep pain: a poisonous snake had bitten him.

Aware that his life was in danger, he changed course and headed towards Guanare, in search of help.

On the way, the exaltation after having attacked the Woman was turning into fear of losing his life, he began to feel remorse for having attacked the Lady who had always addressed him with respect and sweetness. Arriving in Guanare, exhausted and weak, the “whites” treated him, saving his life. Once physically recovered, Coromoto asked for baptism and decided to stay in the place with his family. There, in Guanare, the Cospes made friends with the Spanish and began to be catechized.

Coromoto, from then on, lived as a good Christian; and many among his indigenous brothers would follow in his footsteps, getting closer to God.

The relic of the Virgin of Coromoto

The relic of the Virgin of Coromoto is a small image – measuring 27 mm by 22 mm -, engraved on parchment (tissue paper).

The Mother of God appears in this half-length, seated holding the Child Jesus in her lap – Mother and Son look straight ahead -, and the heads of both appear crowned. Two columns joined together by an arch form the back of the throne on which they rest.

To those who observe the image, it gives the impression that it is a finely made drawing, as if it were one of those Chinese ink portraits that are made with lines and dots. The Virgin has her shoulders covered with a mantle, and a veil falls symmetrically over her hair.

There is no Venezuela without the Virgin Mary

On October 7, 1944, Pope Pius XII declared Our Lady of Coromoto as “Patron Saint of the Republic of Venezuela.” Her canonical coronation took place on September 11, 1952, on the occasion of the third centenary of her appearance.

Venezuelans celebrate their patron saint several times throughout the year: every February 2 (feast of the Presentation of the Lord), September 8 (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) and September 11 (the central day). The National Sanctuary of the Virgin of Coromoto was declared a basilica by Pope Pius XII on May 24, 1949.

A little over 25 years ago…

On February 10, 1996, Pope Saint John Paul II, visiting the Republic of Venezuela, inaugurated the National Shrine of Our Lady of Coromoto, built on the site of the apparitions. Said Sanctuary is located in the “Virgen de Coromoto” parish (Guanare).

That day, the Holy Father pronounced some beautiful words addressed to Our Lady – those that should resonate forever in the soul of every Venezuelan:

“You are the pride of our people! In the numerous Marian Sanctuaries that rise in so many places on earth, we repeat these words from the book of Judith, to express our joy, because the Mother of God has established her dwelling place in the midst of her people. Today the inhabitants of Venezuela pronounce these words, who, precisely here in Coromoto, come together to venerate her as the Patroness of Venezuela.”

Our Lady of Coromoto, pray for Venezuela and for Catholic America!

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