5 websites where you can read and delve deeper into the Catholic Bible online for free

Bible Month is celebrated in September, a good occasion to look for Catholic resources that help access and better understand sacred texts. We offer 5 sites where you can read the Catholic Bible online for free.

1. The Vatican Bible

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The website of the Holy See, Vatican.va, offers the Bible in Latin, Chinese, Spanish, English and Italianalthough he warns in a message that “the Holy Scripture is available in almost all the languages ​​of the world.”

For this reason, it recommends that “to access the most updated versions” in each language, “the websites of the Episcopal Conferences, which provide for the continuous improvement of translations,” are consulted.

2. A recent translation of the Bible in Spanish

In this sense, the latest translation carried out by 24 specialists in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek for the Spanish Episcopal Conference and which was presented in 2010.

This version was also submitted to the study of some 40 bishops and in its printed edition it has maps, more than 6,000 explanatory notes and a liturgical index.

3. The Bible seen by the fathers and doctors of the Catholic Church

You can also consult the Holy Scriptures on the website of the Dicastery for the Clergywhich offers, in addition to the text, help to interpret it “in the light of Tradition and the Magisterium, with theological and exegetical comments.”

Thus, in addition to being able to compare several languages, it offers an important index of the use that institutions of the Catholic Church, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, saints, etc. have made of biblical passages.

4. Compare versions of Catholic Bibles

The website catholic bible offers the possibility of comparing more than 30 versions of the Catholic Bible, most in Spanish, but also in Portuguese, Italian, French, Latin, German, Estonian, or Hungarian.

5. Bible Word Finder

The website Catholic.net offers anyone interested in delving deeper into or being inspired by biblical texts, an interesting search engine that allows you to find words or phrases both precisely and approximately.

The search can be done by discriminating the Old Testament from the New Testament or by selecting a specific chapter.

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