yoga, meditation and healthy eating retreats

The link between travel and self-knowledge It is so old that it appears in the books of the most famous authors in the world.

“Who is willing to move, to lose control, to decenter, to discover oneself?” asked the Argentine writer Julio Cortázar in his masterpiece Hopscotch.

It happens that the reasons to travel are endless and they depend on the interests of each person: vacations, getaways or simply fulfilling a dream.

But an important place is also occupied by the search for self-knowledge, or encounter with the deepest part of one’s being. With this objective in mind, in recent years several initiatives have emerged that offer the option of combining getting out of the routine with some exercise activity. connection with oneself.

In a group or alone, these options – which can be used in different parts of Argentina– they propose taking a trip within another: a path towards the interior of the person through a deep encounter with nature, whether in the middle of the mountains or on the coast, meters from the sea.

The range of proposals is infinite, from yoga or Reiki sessions in destinations in the country to trips to Uruguay in search of connection with the sea, to alternatives to Chinese medicine.

Connection with nature, part of the proposals. Photo Shutterstock

There are even options that include working together with doctors and therapists. The objective is, in all cases, to achieve achieve calm which provides being in an area away from stress and daily routine.

Peace among the mountains

An option for those looking for a change of scenery that comes accompanied by a personal transformation is the ecoposada Las Dalias. Located in the heart of Traslasierrain Córdoba, this space has a differentiating feature, since it perfectly combines the calm of the establishment with the mountain air of the region.

Ecoposada Las Dalias, in Traslasierra, Córdoba. Photo Las DaliasEcoposada Las Dalias, in Traslasierra, Córdoba. Photo Las Dalias

The great bet of this place is “the search for well-being through the healthy balance between the mental, the physical and the emotional,” as stated on its website,

Las Dalias opens its establishment to those who want to carry out spiritual retreats, but is also responsible for organizing this type of retreats in the middle of nature. For example, in September it offers the workshop A Journey Towards Your Personal Project. The proposal includes drinks and full board and promises “a transformative experience.”

The owners of the place, Liliana Racauchi and José Bidart, explain that it is a different initiative that invites you to “relax, find yourself, receive the benefits of a natural, wild environment, surrounded by mountains and crystal clear streams, silences.” “It is healing and helps find inner harmony,” they say.

Healthy eating. Photo Las DaliasHealthy eating. Photo Las Dalias

They add that guests have “the possibility of accessing all our services: yoga, meditation, hiking, bioenergy, tai chi and chi kungspa treatments, a variety of different individual therapeutic interviews, food, meditation and Chinese medicine.”

Also in the heart of the mountain landscape is The Qenti Medical Wellness Innin Icho Cruz, near Villa Carlos Paz. Here a range of options designed to relieve stress is provided, and is presented as a “all inclusive saludable”.

It also has a specialized plan designed for those who want quit smoking: The seven-day program includes pneumonological, clinical and therapeutic support.

The project covers nutritional and psychological monitoring, medical control and physical activity: you can go horseback riding, play tennis, basketball, golf or mountain biking.

The establishment has a team made up of a medical director, a pulmonologist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist. All its services can be consulted online (

The soul of travel

For those who are interested in a harmonious trip that provides peace, there is an option in the province of Entre Ríos and it is called Alma House. Yoga retreats, spiritual encounters and connection with the inner world are just some of the proposals offered. This space also ensures “a unique experience in the middle of nature.”

Harmony, calm and fresh air. Photo Casa AlmaHarmony, calm and fresh air. Photo Casa Alma

According to Verónica Martin, creator of Casa Alma, among the services they offer there are “guided meditationschanneling, conscious walks, reconnective healing session, personal reconnection session and conscious breathing connecting with the four elements of nature.”

Among the people interested in this proposal, Martin highlights the case of those who “feel the stress of the city and the daily routine with overwhelm and physical and emotional discomfort”, as well as those who “have a clinical diagnosis and are looking for alternative therapies or good peace and well-being for your recovery.”

From Casa Alma they explain why the natural environment is fundamental for this: “The simplicity that nature gives us connects us with our life mission.”

For being a open sky hotel -many of its facilities are outdoors-, it allows you to achieve a special connection with the natural environment.

To connect with the inner world. Photo Casa AlmaTo connect with the inner world. Photo Casa Alma

In addition to different proposals within the same space, it also offers the possibility of taking yoga and spirituality trips to Uruguay. Their Instagram profile, @casa.alma6, details all the options they work with.

Also in Uruguay is Makarena Bika, an Argentine who recently settled in the neighboring country with the dream of accompanying people in a spiritual journey. On her Instagram profile @soy_uy she presents herself as a meditation teacher and guide on the Journey of the Soul. In addition to giving recommendations on her account, she also organizes workshops, retreats and conferences focused on these types of topics.

Yoga retreats

An attractive proposal to connect body and soul in a new destination is the one offered by Fernando Druetta, creator of the Fer de la Tierra initiative, through which he proposes yoga meetings in different countrieslike Costa Rica and Brazil. Fernando is a yoga instructor and also holds different meetings on the Argentine Atlantic Coast that include a comprehensive food and yoga program facing the sea.

Yoga meetings in different countries. Photo Earth FerYoga meetings in different countries. Photo Fer of the Earth

On his Instagram profile, @fer.delatierra, he promotes new adventures and also shares memories of the moments lived in some of his retreats.

“For many years I have dedicated myself to designing and offering comprehensive yoga retreats in the Mar Chiquita Park Spa Biosphere Reserve”says Druetta, who also assures that clients’ interest in their different proposals is mainly due to two factors: the emotional nature of the destinations and the activities offered.

One aspect to highlight is that in this type of meeting a kind of special magic which the creator of Fer de la Tierra describes with great enthusiasm.

“The extended hatha yoga practices at sunrise, the chanting of mantras, the slow and contemplative walks, the silences and other details, generate an ideal atmosphere to practice the art of self-knowledge,” he says.

Connect body and soul. Photo Fer of the EarthConnect body and soul. Photo Fer of the Earth

And he concludes with a recommendation: “Allowing yourself to practice the philosophy and politics of yoga in places so organic and far from the current noise (virtual and real, mental and physical) is a fundamental tool for those who wish change the direction of their lives”.

There are many travel proposals to heal body and soul, and they can be found throughout the country and across borders.

Although they are all different, they have a common basis: the connection with nature as a secret for the magic of disconnection from a toxic or difficult environment and reconnection with oneself to occur.

This is how they explain it from Las Dalias: “We are nature; Therefore, there can be no connection with oneself and with the sacredness of life if we do not perceive and connect with all of nature, with the cycle of plants, through the seasons, with rivers, streams, seas, mountains. , lakes and animals.”

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