Spain: They denounce the Government for publishing blasphemous images in LGTBI magazine

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has denounced crimes of hate and discrimination before the Prosecutor’s Office against the Government of Spain for financing a magazine promoting LGTBI artists that contains blasphemous images referring to Jesus and Mary.

Its president, Poland Castellanos, denounces that “publishing this magazine has cost all Spaniards 7,000 euros. “Institutions cannot spend everyone’s money attacking Christians.” She adds that “our taxes cannot be used so that the government makes mockery and derision against our symbols and beliefs and then, in addition, attempts to eliminate crimes against religious feelings.”

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It is about @XES Artistic proposals for a new social architecturea kind of catalog of LGBT artists that is designed as a “work tool for our representations abroad, as well as for any other institution inside or outside our borders, in the form of proposals with which to develop cultural programming that includes this thematic” as stated in a text signed by the Directorate of Cultural and Scientific Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Directorate for Real and Effective Equality of LGTBI+ People of the Ministry of Equality.

The magazine is part of the General Catalog of Official Government Publications and is financed by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and the Ministry of Equality and it states that there is no “intrinsic or essential nature of a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’. ‘regardless of the linguistic description we give to those words.”

On the other hand, it is argued that “transsexuality or sexual dissidence understood as an artistic practice is also a powerful instrument to design and build a new social architecture” through “transvestite embassies” and “non-binary diplomacies.”

The author of the blasphemous image of the Virgin Mary included in the pamphlet, Fran Sabariego Uceda, states that “a transvestite imaginary can be found in the similarity shared by a drag queen and a Dolorosa, both having their origin in the most absolute poverty.”

For its part, the Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience (OLRC) began a few days ago a campaign to request the withdrawal of the magazine, in which he denounces that “this Government is full of the fact that it is fighting against hate speech and hate crimes. But Christians can laugh” and he recalls that there is the intention to eliminate the crime of offenses against religious feelings.

“They are laughing at the religious beliefs of the majority of Spaniards,” the OLRC denounces.

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