It started as a joke and it’s all the rage

The latest trend on TikTok in Spain seems straight out of a science fiction movie… but dystopian. And the innocent joke of a comedian grew more than expected and Now thousands of young people frantically walk through the aisles of a supermarket chain at a specific time and carrying an upside-down pineapple in their monkeys since, apparently, it is the best method to find a partner.

It all started three weeks ago when the actress and comedian Vivy Lin uploaded a video to her TikTok account in which she was walking with her friend through the corridors of a Mercadona brand store since, according to her sentence, between 7 and 8 p.m. It becomes the best scenario to get a date.

The method he described was simple although eccentric: those who wanted to find a partner would, They had to place an upside-down pineapple in the monkey and gently “shock” those they found attractive as a sign of interest.

Mercadona, the supermarket of the viral video: Photo: Angel Garcia/Bloomberg

Those who wanted to find a serious partner had to place an upside-down pineapple in the chanqguito.

The theory seemed to have empirical evidence in its favor: It is said that during this time it is more common to find single men and women buying groceries for their dinner. And the corridors to walk through were also important at the time of rising. People over 30 had to go through the wine section, those between 19 and 25 had to do it in the frozen section and for those between 25 and 40, the idea was to go to the fish section.

Awesome boom

At the time of writing these lines, Lin’s video surpassed 20 million views and the testimonies are multiplyingexperiences and memes uploaded with the hashtag #Mercadona.

True or not, hundreds of messages appeared from people confessing to having tried the method and saying that they cThey changed their purchasing habits and now choose that supermarket chain for “the social experience” and not for the prices.

There is also no shortage of videos from psychologists and thinkers who wanted to join the trend and developed theories on TikTok saying that Shopping between 7pm and 8pm reflects how Generation Z got fed up with virtuality and decided to return to the old and beloved “yire”.

The testimonies, experiences and memes uploaded with the hashtag #Mercadona are multiplying.

Lin herself was surprised by the impact of her video and lamented that, after having worked extensively on plays, films and television series, Finally, this video made without preparation or strategy was his most popular piece.

The Mercadona company, for its part, is cautious for now and has not made reference to this theory on its social networks or in any marketing campaign, although it does.It is known that he had to reinforce the number of people in the customer service area at that time since it became the busiest.

Born as a joke, confirmed by supposedly truthful testimonies and installed as a trending topic, The new dating trend seems to have no boundaries: Today you can not only see comments and experiences on other networks, such as Instagram and

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