Pope Francis sends Cardinal Konrad Krajewski to the Holy Land

Pope Francis sends the Apostolic Almoner and prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, to the Holy Land as a sign of his closeness to those suffering the consequences of war.

The Vatican Dicastery released a statement this morning stating that the Holy Father, saddened by “the third world war that afflicts the world, prays every day for peace, calling for an end to the conflicts that stain the city with blood.” land: in the tormented Ukraine, in Syria, in many countries in Africa and now in Israel and Palestine.”

Therefore, as a concrete sign of his participation “in the suffering of those who live firsthand the consequences of war, and in this Christmas time,” he sends the cardinal to the Holy Land, mired in a war that began on October 7. with the surprise attack by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas on Israeli territory.

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