Nicaraguan dictatorship eliminated retirement fund for retired Catholic priests

The Nicaraguan dictatorship eliminated a retirement fund for retired Catholic priests, which it had already frozen a year ago, increasing its siege against the Church in the Central American country.

According to the Nicaraguan newspaper The Pressthe Association for the Priestly Insurance Fund is one of the 1,500 NGOs whose legal personality was canceled by the dictatorship on August 19. The legal status of this association, the aforementioned newspaper indicates, had been approved by the National Assembly in 2005.

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According to a source cited by La Prensa, with this measure, Catholic priests will no longer have the insurance benefits they paid annually.

“In my case I contributed US$300 (300 dollars) annually for many years and since last year I no longer paid due to the freezing of the accounts, but the theft has already become effective, which in the end was done to the parishioners, who generously They help us,” said the source.

What is the Priestly Insurance Fund in Nicaragua?

In July 2023, lawyer and researcher Martha Patricia Molina, author of the report Nicaragua: A persecuted Church?which in its fifth installment this August reports 870 attacks by the dictatorship against the Catholic Church, denounced that the regime had frozen the money from the aforementioned fund.

“The national priestly insurance fund is an institution that was created more than 20 years ago by the CEN (Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua), thinking about a retirement fund for priests,” Molina explained then.

“It is not exactly insurance, because it does not cover health issues or other Social Security issues. It is intended as a retirement fund,” Molina said.

The fund receives $150 a year from active priests, parishes and ecclesiastical institutions, in addition to what is raised in the Ash Wednesday collections at the beginning of Lent.

From this fund, a monthly pension of $300 is allocated for priests aged 75 or older, and $150 for priests aged 65 or older.

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