Christmas 2023: Ceremony for the gathered family to put the Baby Jesus to sleep and lull him to sleep

All: I confess before Almighty God and before you brothers, that I have sinned greatly in thought, word, deed and omission. Because of me, because of me, because of my great fault. Therefore, I pray to Holy Mary, ever Virgin, to the angels, to the saints and to you, brothers, to intercede for me before God, our Lord.

Dad or mom: Let us remember what happened that blessed night almost two thousand years ago. Read Gospel of Saint Luke 2, 1-12.

At that time a decree from Emperor Augustus appeared, ordering that a census be carried out throughout the world. This first census took place when Quirinius ruled Syria. And each one was going to register in their city of origin. Joseph, who belonged to the family of David, left Nazareth, a city in Galilee, and went to Bethlehem in Judea, the city of David, to register with Mary, his wife, who was pregnant.

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