The 19th Buenos Aires Architecture Biennial will be held in October.

The Biennale, pioneer of Latin American biennials and recognized within the most relevant trilogy – along with that of Venice and San Pablo -, it will have the headquarters of its 19th edition at the Faena Art Center in Puerto Madero – with Santander Bank as Main Sponsor – and will add ten associated locations in addition to an open-air program.

Like the previous edition, entry will be free for the forum of international conferences, workshops and the central exhibition, which will address the themes of sustainability, environment and new technologies applied to architecture and design to offer a perspective of the challenges and opportunities of the urban and human dimension of cities.

In addition, the Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial will renew its commitment with an innovative exhibition design, with the highlights of the local and international contemporary architectural scene, showing a range of proposals, in various supports, of 45 invited studiosprojects selected by open call and special proposals from France and Germany.

As for four decades, in this edition, the steering committee, together with an international jury, will award the Biennial architecture awards.

Special guests

He conference program It will feature local and foreign specialists of international prestige from various fields linked to architecture, urban planning, environmental management, design, technology and innovation.

They will participate referents such as Vladimir Belogolovsky (USA), Bárbara Berson (Argentina), Tatiana Bilbao (Mexico), Benita Braun Feldweg (Germany), Francisco Cadau (Argentina), Olga Felip (España), Lisa Dietrich (Germany), Winka Dubbeldam (USA), Carlos Ferrater (Spain), Francisco González Pulido (Mexico/USA), Giuseppina Grasso (Italy) and Juho Gronholm (Finland).

También, Roland Halbe (Germany), Kosmos (Switzerland), Laboratory of Architecture (Georgia), Paula Lavarello (Argentina), Nic Lehoux (Canada/USA), Nikoloz Lekveishvili (Georgia), Gabriela de Matos (Brazil), Pep Martin ( Spain), Michele & Miquel (France), Samuli Miettinen (Finland), Cristián Mohaded (Argentina).

Y Sabine Müller (Germany), Sameep Padora (India), Dafne Saldaña Blasco de Equal Saree (Spain), Galia Solomonoff (Arg/USA), Sergei Tchoban (Germany), Werner Tscholl (Italy), Román Viñoly (Argentina), Philip Yuan (China) and Cazú Zegers (Chile).

BA Biennial edition 2022 had the participation of the Sauerbruch Hutton studio

The vast majority of conferences will be held in in personcombined with others virtually live, transmitted by streamingwith the aim of amplifying access to new content and reaching multiple audiences.

Likewise, the 2024 Biennial will have associated institutions programs cultural references such as Proa21, AAMNBA, Borges Cultural Center, Larivière Foundation, SMOL, Santander Foundation, San Martín Cultural Center, IDA Foundation, Arthaus, Casa Curutchet and MARQ.

There they will present international and locally produced exhibitions which, together with the Puerto Madero outdoors program, will offer an agenda of interdisciplinary activities, meetings in different settings, urban tours and dialogues between architecture, art and design throughout the month of October

Francisco Cadau (with diploma) received the 2022 Biennial Prize.Francisco Cadau (with diploma) received the 2022 Biennial Prize.

The organization of the event It is run by the Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial Association, CAyC and 90_20. The Steering Committee of La Bienal is made up of the architects Carlos Sallaberry, Roberto Converti, Miguel Jurado, Carlos Dibar, Claudia Faena, Dr. Matías Glusberg and Eng. Daniel Muñiz. All the news can be followed at @labienalarq

Almost 40 years of history

The International Architecture Biennial of Buenos Aires was created in 1985 by Jorge Glusberg, director of the Center for Art and Communication (CAyC). Since then, he has summoned architects and intellectuals from all over the world to exhibit and discuss the most significant works of architecture and design. For a week, the Biennale conquers the city.

Since its foundation, in the different editions, great architects such as Alejandro Aravena, Oriol Bohigas, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Hans Hollein, Toyo Ito, Rem Koolhaas, Tom Mayne, Richard Meier, Álvaro Siza, Cesar Pelli and Richard Rogers.

Mario Cucinella, guest at the 2022 edition of the Biennial, at Casa 3D Tecla. Mario Cucinella, guest at the 2022 edition of the Biennial, at Casa 3D Tecla.

More recently, architects and studios such as Snohetta (Sweden), Bjarke Ingels Group (Denmark), Eran Chen (USA), Juan Herrero (Spain), Patrik Schumacher (Switzerland), Sauerbruch Hutton (Germany), Estudio TEN (Switzerland) attended. ), Galia Solomonoff (Argentina-NY), Eva Franch i Gilabert (Spain).

Also Gloria Cabral (Paraguay), Josep Ferrando (Spain), MAD Arkitekter (Norway), West 8 (Holland), Mario Cucinella (Italy), Ramón Sanabria (Spain), Semillas (Peru), Entre Nos Atelier (Costa Rica), Rama Estudio (Ecuador), Ruta 4 Taller (Colombia), Communal Taller de Arquitectura (Mexico), Martín Gómez Platero (Uruguay) and Laurent Troost (Belgium – Brazil), among others.

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