Paris 2024: Bishop denounces manipulation of a testimony of faith and Meta censors it

The Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante (Spain), Bishop José Ignacio Munilla, denounced through social networks that journalists and commentators on Spanish public television (RTVE) had distorted the testimony of Christian faith of a German athlete during the Games. Olympics held in Paris.

The episode happened during the broadcast of the women’s shot put final, in which the German Yemisi Ogunleye needed to overcome the mark of 19.86 meters of her rivals and managed to reach 20 meters in her last throw, proclaiming herself Olympic champion.

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When interviewing the athlete, the RTVE special envoy asked the athlete to explain the emotions of achieving the gold medal in her last throw, to which the woman responded in English:

“It’s incredible. In the last release I haven’t thought about anything. I was just like (saying): God, this is the moment. Show the world that you are real and that with you all things are possible. And, through that prayer, I have experienced so much joy and so much peace that when I was in the throwing circle everything was calm in my mind and in my heart. And I knew that was the moment. God was going to do it and I just had to believe and trust that He would do it. And when I saw where the weight fell, I was overwhelmed and amazed.”

The journalist then told the audience in Spanish:

“Ogunleye’s words: that he was at peace right now, that it was incredible to get it in the last launch. And he also talked about the atmosphere and feelings after having won a gold medal in the last shot put. He has been enormous.”

To this, a television commentator adds: “Yes, it amazed me that he said that at that moment in which the normal thing is to feel pressure and perhaps make yourself a little small in front of 80,000 people with so much at stake, that he felt a peace and that he had everything very clear in his mind.”

Given these statements, the Spanish prelate published a message through X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram in which he ironically noted:

“There are several possibilities to explain what happens in this video: 1st The journalist does not know English… 2nd The journalist is deaf… 3rd (add other possibilities…) 4th …….”

in your program Sixth Continentfrom Radio María España, Mons. Munilla stated this Monday that “the journalists of Spanish Television carry out a complete censorship of what the athlete says” and has denounced that this happens “because there is a created culture in which the word ‘God ‘ is publicly cancelled. It is as if one cannot speak about God publicly. It is a kind of consensual censorship.”

The prelate added that, although this censorship “is not written anywhere, in fact that has been introduced due to pressure” in such a way that “it seems that one cannot speak about God.”

Mons. Munilla also raised the possibility that, even if the journalists were believers, “under that paradigm of censorship of religious fact and of the name of God in public, they felt overwhelmed by what that woman was saying and neither “They dared to translate it.”

For the Spanish bishop, proof that this censorship exists is that Meta, owner of Instagram and Facebook, blocked the messages sent by Bishop Munilla

in a message posted on Facebook After the censorship, Bishop Munilla added: “Incredible where cancel culture is reaching in our days…!! Didn’t they say they believed in freedom? Is there something false in this message in question?

“It is notorious that the dominant ideology hates the Christian roots of our culture.”

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