Romagnoli wanted to resign in San Lorenzo, but the leaders fired Ortigoza and the coach will continue to lead the team

Leandro Romagnoli threatened to leave San Lorenzo. “This is enough,” said Pipi in the locker room, after the defeat against Atlético Tucumán. Marcelo Moretti convinced him to continue in office. And as a gesture to make it clear that he is willing to back it, he changed the head of the technical secretariat. He removed Néstor Ortigoza and announced that two leaders and two former players of the club will take charge of professional football.

Julio Lopardo and Alejandro Tamer, members of the Board of Directors, plus Angel Bernnuncio and Norberto Ortega Sánchez – with the supervision of Moretti himself – will take care of the function that until the last game was in the hands of the former Barça midfielder. Ortigoza’s departure is due to the differences that he expressed with the president, whom he blamed for the transfer market.

The reality is that the Paraguayan’s relationship with Pipi had eroded and the leaders did not like that he did not take charge of some unclear management. Moretti confronted him face to face, told him he was not prepared for the job which was initially assigned to him and will continue as a member, but will not continue to be linked to professional football.

Pipi got tired, but for now she will continue on the front. Photo: Fernando de la Orden

In the youth there will also be changes. There will be a trident led by Javier Allievi, Ricardo Saponare and Ignacio Carreira. This restructuring will relaunch San Lorenzo football at key times, since the mata mata is coming with Atlético Mineiro that will dominate the mood of the stands, beyond the hierarchy of the Brazilians, who arrive as favorites led by Gabriel Milito.

“The statistics close, we had games with a lot of bad luck, Pipi is doing a good job, the players love him… It would be mischievous if he leaves. Then, there are the results, of course. But no one wants him to leave,” a senior leader confided to Clarín.

The official statement

In the evening, San Lorenzo officially reported the changes that Moretti made.

“President Marcelo Moretti decided to launch a general restructuring plan for San Lorenzo football with the aim of strengthening it in all its aspects, starting from a line of work that privileges perfect harmony between all its areas,” it was reported via social networks.

“There will be a new Professional Football Secretariat. It will be led by leader Julio Lopardo, who was already presented by the president to the professional team and the coaching staff after the morning training this Sunday,” he added.

“In addition, the Secretariat will be made up of member Alejandro Tamer and former Barça players Angel Bernnuncio and Norberto Ortega Sánchez, both as coordinators. Meanwhile, Ariel Graña will continue to carry out his task in charge of the staff of the professional team,” he pointed out.

“The restructuring promoted by the president will also reach the Lower Divisions. At the next meeting of the Board of Directors, the appointments of member Javier Allievi as president of the Youth Football Subcommittee, of Ricardo Saponare as vice president and of assemblyman Ignacio Carreira as secretary and manager of the Reserve will be discussed,” he concluded.

Remedi recovery

There was a loss that was felt against Atlético Tucumán. This is Eric Remedi, who could not complete the match against Vélez, for the Argentine Cup, and was replaced 29 minutes into the first half. The 29-year-old player suffers from a sprain of the upper tibiofibular joint with bone edema in the fibula of his right leg. The player wants to infiltrate, but the doctors do not recommend it.

Malcom Braida will also not be available, with a grade 1 medial sprain of the right knee and bone edema in the right foot, also suffered during the match with Vélez. The flying winger will not be available either for the first leg, this Tuesday at the Nuevo Gasómetro, or for the return leg, next week in Belo Horizonte.

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