Bishops of Peru launch campaign to combat extreme poverty and natural disasters

The Peruvian Episcopal Conference (CEP) is inviting citizens to participate in the Share 2024 Campaigna parish and public collection that seeks to help people affected by extreme poverty and natural disasters.

Under the motto “Brother, give me your hand”, the parish collection will be held on Sunday, August 18 in all churches in the country, while the public collection will be from August 11 to 18.

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In his last annual reportthe UN highlights that Peru leads the ranking of food insecurity in Latin America, with 51.7% of its population (17.6 million) in a situation of severe or moderate food insecurity. This reflects that more than half of Peruvians were unable to access nutritious food in the necessary quantity and quality in the last year. Furthermore, between 2021 and 2023, the number increased by more than one million people, evidencing a significant deterioration in access to essential foods.

Months earlier, the reportPeru: Evolution of Monetary Poverty 2014-2023”, released by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, showed that almost a third of the population, that is, 9 million 780 thousand people, is in poverty, and that extreme poverty increased to reach 5.7 %. This is equivalent to an increase of 249 thousand more people compared to the previous year.

Added to this are other serious problems such as rain on the coast, frost in the mountains and cold in the jungle, as well as the dengue epidemic throughout the country.

The Share 2024 Campaign seeks to be a contribution to this situation of need, which serves for the “execution of social aid programs and projects in different areas of Peru where vulnerable populations live,” the CEP noted in a statement.

“In this way, the Peruvian Church promotes Christian solidarity, bringing the presence of Jesus closer to those who suffer in difficult times, and encourages the active participation of the parishioner and citizens to contribute to the solidarity solution of the problems that affect the most needy in the country,” adds the Church in Peru.

Finally, the Peruvian bishops invited “good-hearted companies and people to join this campaign to restore hope to our affected brothers.”

To find out how to help this campaign, enter HERE.

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