Archbishopric studies how to evict the former Poor Clare nuns of Belorado

The Archbishopric of Burgos reiterates that the former Poor Clare nuns of Belorado “do not have any legal title to reside in the Monastery” and is studying how to expel them from the premises. Although he has not yet initiated any judicial procedure, he clarifies that if they do not leave the place voluntarily “they will proceed as appropriate by law.”

Through a statementsent on the night of Tuesday, July 30 in Spain, the Management Commission of the Monasteries of Belorado, Orduña and Derio created by the Pontifical Commissariat and Archbishop of Burgos, Mons. Mario Iceta, has come to the attention of information that claimed that it was the eviction of the excommunicated women is underway.

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Firstly, it is stated that this entity “has not initiated the eviction procedure in any judicial instance”, although the contracted legal services “work with all possible scenarios”.

Thus, they have requested from the Department of Social Welfare of the Provincial Council of Burgos “a vulnerability report” on the people who reside in the Monastery of Belorado, that is, the 10 excommunicated women and five older sisters who were not involved in the communiqués and schismatic declarations signed. since last May by the former abbess and part of the community.

For the Management Commission, as Mons. Iceta has reiterated in recent months, the situation of these nuns “is of special concern,” which is why work is being done to guarantee “the care they require.”

Furthermore, he has insisted on his conviction that these senior nuns “remain outside of this situation and, for all intents and purposes, constitute the monastic community of Belorado.”

Change of locks at the Derio Monastery

On the other hand, it is reported that on July 3, the representative of the Pontifical Commissioner was able to access the Monastery of Derio, belonging to the community of Poor Clares, and changed “a single lock” on one of the entrances “to have the right to free access” that corresponds to the Pontifical Commissioner and to whomever he delegates.

As detailed in the statement, the former religious entered the Derio Monastery through another entrance and blocked the access in which the lock was changed, thus hindering the entry to the monastery of the ecclesiastical authorities ratified by the Holy See.

As a result of this maneuver by the excommunicated women, the person in charge of guarding the Monastery has also not been able to go to work, which has been reported to “the appropriate authorities to defend their right to work.”

Economic situation of the community

The Communiqué concludes by pointing out that the Management Commission “from the beginning of its action, has been responsible for the economic situation” of the three monasteries and that it has not received information of this type from the former abbess, except for the sending of certain invoices and payrolls pending payment.

In this sense, it is stated that “the payroll of those workers who have followed the protocol established by the Management Commission has been paid and the way to proceed with suppliers is being managed.”

These payments have been possible thanks to the economic liquidity injected by the monasteries of the Federation of Our Lady of Aránzazu to which the community of Poor Clares of Belorado, Orduña and Derio belongs.

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