The Catholic Church in Spain faces several challenges in the year 2025, such as the renewal of a fifth of its bishops, new guidelines on seminaries, secularization and attacks against religious freedom by the Government, among others.
These are some of them.
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1. Relief in numerous Spanish dioceses
Throughout the year, the process must begin for the election of bishops of numerous dioceses, around 20% of the current active episcopate, who have already passed the age of 75 or are close to turning 80.
In 2025, the bishops of Córdoba, Mons. Demetrio Fernández, will present their resignation upon reaching the age of 75; Terrasa, Mons. Salvador Cristau; and Segorbe-Castellón, Mons. Casimiro López.
The Archbishop of Barcelona, Cardinal Juan José Omella, who will turn 79 in 2025, and the Bishop of Cuenca, Mons. José María Yanguas, born in 1947, continue to govern their corresponding dioceses, despite having passed this age.
Seven more prelates are also in this situation, who will turn 77 throughout 2025 and who continue to govern the dioceses of Mallorca, Lérida, Ciudad Real, Cádiz and Ceuta, Tenerife, Cartagena and Málaga.
Added to this is that several dioceses are waiting for a new pastor and are currently entrusted to apostolic administrators, who will have to be replaced soon. In addition, others have coadjutor bishops.
In all these processes, the actions of the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal José Cobo, and the Bishop of Teruel and Albarracín, Mons. José Antonio Satué, members of the Dicastery for Bishops, will have special relevance.
2. The Government of Spain and religious freedom
The coming to power of the coalition formed by socialists and communists in the Government of Spain led by Pedro Sánchez has promoted numerous reforms that clash head-on with the Social Doctrine of the Church, with a special emphasis on the fundamental right to religious freedom.
In 2025, the Executive has announced the intention to eliminate the crime of offenses to religious feelings, something about which the bishops have already expressed themselves through their president, Mons. Luis Argüello, a protest that has been joined by others. religious confessions.
The mockery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in last year’s end-of-year special program on public television has been the latest episode in a long list of contempt for religious events by the Government.
3. Desecration of the Valley of the Fallen
The question of the Valley of the Fallen deserves special mention, a religious space that has been in the sights of the Sánchez Executive since its inception, but which in 2025 will face a greater challenge if possible.
Given that next November will mark 50 years since the death of Francisco Franco, the Government of Spain has prepared a multitude of events around the anniversary and has the firm intention of expelling the Benedictine community from the place and desacralizing the Basilica. Pontifical of the Holy Cross.
In the place, where the largest cross in the world stands, people have prayed for peace and reconciliation among the Spanish people since the first Benedictine community was established in 1958. The remains of thousands of combatants from both sides during the War rest there. Spanish Civil (1936-1939).

4. Secularization and seminars
The growing secularization in Spanish society is one of the greatest challenges that the Catholic Church has faced for decades, which is reflected in a decrease in the number of baptisms, first communions and canonical marriages.
To revive the vocational dimension of life in all its dimensions, the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) promotes the celebration next February of a vocational pastoral congress under the title Who am I for? Mission Call Assembly.
In the case of seminars, a downward trend has also been observed for years, except for a small rebound for the current 2024-2025 academic year.
Beyond this circumstance, the Catholic Church in Spain is immersed in a process of reconfiguring the seminaries after the apostolic visit carried out in 2023, which is led by Mons. Jesús Vidal, appointed by Pope Francis as apostolic reference for the update of initial priestly formation.
5. Address abuse within the Church
In 2024, an Extraordinary Plenary Assembly was held in the month of July to address the issue of abuse, in which the Comprehensive Reparation Plan for Victims of Sexual Abuse (PRIVA) was approved.
In September, the EEC launched the Advisory Commission in charge of complying with it. In 2025, this commission must resolve the repair requests it receives from through the form published this week.

6. A desired visit by Pope Francis to the Canary Islands
For months there has been speculation about a possible apostolic trip by Pope Francis to Spain, more specifically to the Canary Islands, where the drama of mass immigration is of particular concern.
It would be a visit in the style of those made to Marseille or Corsica, encouraged by a specific meeting, not in the manner of an apostolic trip to the entire country.
7. Controversial cases
Three controversial cases for different reasons remain on the table in the Catholic environment, the resolution of which would be desirable during the year 2025.
On the one hand, there is the situation of the schismatic and sedevacantist community of Belorado, which is in the hands of the Archbishop of Burgos, Mons. Mario Iceta. The secular courts will decide whether the ex-clarisas have the right to remain in the monastery premises or if they must be expelled.
Secondly, there is the conflict between the Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón, Mons. Ángel Pérez Pueyo and the Prelature of Opus Dei for Torreciudad, entrusted by Pope Francis to the dean of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, Mons. Alejandro Arellano.
In 2025, it will be 10 years since José María Martínez, a professor at Colegio Gaztelueta, was canonically exonerated of accusations of alleged abuse of Juan Cuatrecasas, whose tutor he had been between 2008 and 2010.
After a controversial criminal conviction and Cuatrecasas’ participation in a television program with Pope Francis, the Pontiff decided to reopen the canonical case in 2022 and appoint the Bishop of Teruel and Albarracín, Bishop José Antonio Satué, as Delegate (judge). This new canonical process has not yet concluded.
8. Jubilee of Hope and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Like the entire universal church, the one that is pilgrim in Spain is developing programs in all its dioceses on the occasion of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025 that under the motto of Pilgrims of hope Pope Francis called for this year.
As usual, pilgrimages are being promoted to the special event prepared for young people in Rome, which will take place from July 28 to August 3, but also formation and prayer around the virtue of hope and in a particular way on the sacramental frequency of penance.
On the other hand, within the jubilee that is celebrated for the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, the Archdiocese of Valladolid will host the international congress Cor Iesu, Spes Mundiwhich will have the presence of archbishops, bishops, theologians and evangelizers from Spain, the rest of Europe and America.