7 reasons from Sister Lucia of Fátima to pray the Rosary daily

7 reasons from Sister Lucia of Fátima to pray the Rosary daily

Sister Lucía Dos Santos, the last visionary of the Virgin of Fátima, whose religious name was Sister María Lucía of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart, explained several reasons why it is necessary to pray the Holy Rosary daily.

In the book “Calls from the Message of Fátima”, published in 2002, Sister Lucia recalled that the Mother of God had invited her to pray the Rosary since her first appearance in Fátima (Portugal), on May 13, 1917.

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“Pray the Rosary every day, to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war“, encouraged the Virgin in her initial message, which still retains all its relevance, especially when Pope Francis asks to pray for the end of the war in Ukraine.

Below, we present seven reasons offered by Sister Lucia for praying the Rosary every day, which were shared by the National Catholic Register.

1. The Rosary adapts to the possibilities of each one

Sister Lucia explained that God is a Father who “adapts to the needs and possibilities of his children,” because “if God, through Our Lady, had asked us to go to Mass and receive Holy Communion every day, without “There would doubtless be many people who would say, quite rightly, that this was not possible.”

Instead, “praying the Rosary is something that everyone can do, rich and poor, wise and ignorant, great and small,” anywhere, in common or privately and at any time.

2. The Rosary puts us in familiar contact with God

Sister Lucía highlighted that the Marian prayer serves “to put us in contact with God, to thank him for his benefits and to ask for the graces we need.”

“It is the prayer that puts us in familiar contact with God, like the son who goes to his father to thank him for the gifts he has received, to talk to him about special concerns, to receive his guidance, his help, his support and his blessing,” he added.

3. The Rosary is the most pleasant prayer to pray after Mass

Sister Lucia affirmed that, after the Holy Mass, praying the Rosary – taking into account its origin, the prayers it contains and the mysteries that are meditated – “is the most pleasant prayer that we can offer to God and the most advantageous for our own souls”.

“If that were not the case, Our Lady would not have asked for it so insistently,” he maintained.

4. The Rosary helps fulfill our daily offerings

Sister Lucia clarified that the Rosary beads serve “to have a clear and vivid idea of ​​what we are doing and to know positively whether or not we have completed what we had planned to offer to God each day.”

The beads also serve “to preserve and improve our intimate relationship with God and, by this means, preserve and improve in ourselves our faith, hope and charity.”

5. The Rosary serves as preparation for the Mass

In her book, the visionary of Fatima assured that praying the Rosary can be considered as “a way of preparing to better participate in the Eucharist, or as thanksgiving” after having received the Body of Christ.

While many excellent prayers can be used to prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and preserve our intimate relationship with God, Sister Lucia assured that the “most appropriate for people in general” is the prayer of the “mysteries of the Rosary.” ”.

6. The Rosary preserves the three theological virtues

“God and Our Lady know better than anyone what is most appropriate for us and what we need most. Furthermore, the Rosary will be a powerful means to help us preserve our faith, our hope and our charity,” said Sister Lucia.

7. The Rosary helps avoid falling into materialism

Sister Lucía assured, finally, that “those who stop reciting the Rosary and do not go to daily Mass have nothing to sustain them, and end up getting lost in the materialism of earthly life.”

This story was originally published on December 4, 2017. It has been updated for republication.

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