7 phrases from saints that will encourage you to love the Bible more

At the beginning of the month of September, Bible Month, we share seven phrases from great saints that could help you value more the richness of the Word of God.

1. Saint Jerome

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Saint Jerome, in his commentary on the book of the prophet Isaiahpoints out: “Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and he who does not know the Scriptures does not know the power of God or his wisdom, from which it follows that to ignore the Scriptures is to ignore Christ.”

2. Saint Francis of Assisi

San Francis of Assisi used to say: “Blessed is he who has no more joy and happiness than the words and works of the Lord.”

3. Saint John Bosco

The Father and Teacher of Youth he used to tell his young people: “Just as our body weakens and dies if we do not feed it, in the same way our soul loses its vigor if we do not give it what it needs: the food of the soul is the Word of God.”

4. Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II, in his message to the World Catholic Biblical Federation In 1990, he said: “By giving men the Bible, you will give them Christ himself, who satisfies the hungry and thirsty of the Word of God, of true freedom, of justice, of bread and of love.”

“The walls of hatred and selfishness, which still separate men and make them hostile and indifferent to the needs of their brothers, will fall as the walls of Jericho fell as the Word of divine mercy resonates,” he added.

5. Saint Paul VI

As part of the exhibition “The Book of the Bible” in 1972, Pope Saint Paul VI emphasized: “In contact with the Bible, men of all times and countries have learned the language of faith and hope, justice and peace: millions of souls have opened themselves to horizons of light and joy , have found or regained confidence in the destiny of man and the world.

6. San Juan XXIII

One month after the start of the Second Vatican Council, in 1962, Saint John XXIII gave a radio messagein which he highlighted:

“The prophetic words of Jesus, spoken in view of the fulfillment of the final consummation of the centuries, encourage the good and generous dispositions of men, in a particular way in some historical hours of the Church that invite us to rise with renewed drive towards the highest peaks: ‘Levate capita vestra, quoniam appropinquat redemptio vestra’: lift up your heads, because your liberation is near (cf. Lk 21, 20-33)”.

7. Saint Josemaría Escrivá

Saint Josemaría Escrivá wrote a book titled “Forge”in which he gives the following recommendation: “When you open the Holy Gospel, think that what is narrated there – works and sayings of Christ – you must not only know it, but you must live it. Everything, each point related, has been collected, detail by detail, so that you can embody it in the concrete circumstances of your existence.

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