7 important facts about the medal and the cross of Saint Benedict

In the history of the Church, there are numerous Christians who have worn the medal and cross of Saint Benedict, the holy exorcist abbot whose feast day is every July 11, to counteract the forces of evil.

Here we present 7 important facts about these objects that have a lot of tradition and history, linked to the great saint who lived between the years 480 and 547.

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1. The origin of the medal is uncertain

In the 17th century, during a witchcraft trial in Germany, accused women testified that they had no power over Metten Abbey because it was under the protection of the cross.

When investigated, several painted crosses surrounded by the letters now found on the medals were found on the walls of the enclosure. Later, a parchment was found with the image of Saint Benedict and the complete phrases that were used to write those abbreviations.

2. With the medal you can obtain plenary indulgence

The medal, as it is now known, is that of the 1880 Jubilee for the 1400th anniversary of the birth of the saint. It was launched exclusively by the superior abbot of the famous Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino in Italy.

With it you can obtain a plenary indulgence on the Feast of Saint Benedict, which the Church celebrates on July 11, following the usual conditions requested by the Church: Sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayer for the Pope’s intentions.

3. When Saint Benedict made the sign of the cross, he obtained special divine protection

Once they wanted to poison Saint Benedict. The saint, as was his custom, made the sign of the cross over the glass and the object broke into pieces.

On another occasion, a black bird began to fly around him to bother him. Saint Benedict made the sign of the cross and the bird walked away. Then the demon tempted him through imagination with carnal desires. When he was almost defeated, helped by grace, he took off his clothes and threw himself into a thicket of thorns and brambles, injuring his body. After that he never suffered a similar temptation again.

4. The medal has great power of exorcism

The medal of Saint Benedict is a sacramental recognized by the Church with great power of exorcism. According to the Catechismsacramentals are “sacred signs with which, imitating in some way the sacraments, effects are expressed, especially spiritual, obtained through the intercession of the Church.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church further establishes that through sacramentals “men are prepared to receive the main effect of the sacraments and the various circumstances of life are sanctified.”

5. The medal shows Saint Benedict holding a cross and the book of his rules

On both sides of the saint it reads: “Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti” (Cross of the Holy Father Benedict). You can also see a cup from which a viper and a crow emerge. In a circular manner the prayer appears: “Eius in obitu no. Praesentia muniamur” (At the hour of our death let us be protected by his presence). At the bottom center it reads: “Ex. SM Cassino MDCCCLXXX” (Del Santo Monte Cassino 1880).

6. The initials of the medal on the reverse and their meaning

CSPB “Cruz del Santo Padre Benito”.
CSSML “The Holy Cross be my light” (vertical cross of the cross).
NDSMD “Let not the infernal dragon be my guide” (horizontal cruise).

In a circle, starting at the top to the right:
PAX “Peace.”
VRS “Step Back, Satan”.
NSMV “Do not advise me in vain things.”
SMQL “What you offer me is bad”
IVB “Swallow your poison yourself.”

7. The medal must be blessed by a priest with this special prayer

-Our help comes to us from the Lord.
-Who made heaven and earth.
-I order you, spirit of evil, to abandon this medal, in the name of God the Omnipotent Father, who made the sky and the earth, the sea and everything that is contained in them.
May all the strength of the adversary, all the power of the devil, all the attacks and illusions of Satan disappear and move away from this medal, so that all who use it may enjoy health of soul and body.
In the name of the Almighty Father and of his Son, our Lord, and of the Holy Spirit Paraclete, and through the charity of Jesus Christ, who is to come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.


-Lord, hear my prayer.
-And my cry reaches You.
– Let’s pray:
Almighty God, giver of all good things, we humbly beseech you that through the intercession of our Father Saint Benedict, you infuse your blessing upon this sacred medal, so that whoever wears it, dedicating himself to good works, may deserve to achieve health of soul. and from the body, the grace of sanctification, and all the indulgences that are granted to us, and that by the help of your mercy he strives to avoid the snares and deceptions of the devil, and deserves to appear holy and clean in your presence.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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