5 reasons for a Catholic doctor to go to Mass often

Dr. José María Simón Castellví, president emeritus of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) and former member of the Pontifical Council for Health Workers, offers 5 reasons for a Catholic doctor to go to Mass frequently.

Why is it the capital mass for a Catholic who is a doctor? is the title of the article published by Dr. Castellví on the FIAMC website.

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There the expert remembers that “a Mass, each Mass, has infinite value. “He makes present in a bloodless way the most crude sacrifice of the Son of God on the Cross.” And while just one would be enough to transform everything, he offers five reasons to participate in it often and thus answer the question he himself poses.

1. The superabundance of God

“Because of the superabundance of the omnipotent God, infinite of the infinite, who wants to shower us, modest creatures, with immeasurable goods, a thousand times over,” says the expert.

2. Because we are human

“For our anthropology, altered by the original fall, which needs to hear and repeat many times, which sometimes gives itself little by little; who is deaf, blind, lame and sometimes stupid,” she continues.

3. Because Jesus always intercedes for us

“Because Jesus Christ intercedes unceasingly for us before the Father. Thus, we too can incessantly address the Father. Furthermore, at each Mass we can put our intentions, our sick or operated on, our jobs, which will always be different, on the altar.”

4. Because it is good

“Because it is good for man and a Commandment of God, to sanctify the festivals. And the most worthy way to sanctify it is to attend mass. Other good and complementary ways to sanctify them are family gatherings, visiting the sick or elderly, good food (and drink), etc.,” he later points out.

5. For humility and love of God

“God is humble. Sometimes it seems that he is not there, he goes unnoticed. He also does it to test us and for us to see him with the eyes of Faith. The trials we endure are a sample of the dignity that he grants us. God desires merit. What we receive is almost a gift, but it offers us the possibility of merit,” highlights Dr. Castellví.

“And great merit is acquired by attending mass hundreds of times in our lives, perhaps sometimes in the hospital chapel, with the phone on in case we are called to Intensive Care,” he emphasizes.

“If God loved the world so much that he sent his only Son—the visible image of the invisible God—to give himself bloodily, it should not surprise us that in order to reciprocate something, there are many of us who often attend Mass, sacrifice and banquet,” he highlights. .

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