Pope Francis has offered 5 pieces of advice to young Latin Americans participating in the XXI Meeting of National Leaders of Youth Ministry in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is being held in Asunción (Paraguay) from July 15 to 20.
Below we list the Holy Father’s advice to young people:
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1. “You are the present. “Be brave!”
2. “I encourage you to hold on tightly to your roots and move forward without fear.”
3. “Seek unity among all differences.”
4. “Work for the justice that makes peace effective and lasting.”
5. “Build the common good and fertilize the happiness of the Great Homeland that makes up the Latin American peoples to continue increasing the Kingdom of God.”
Likewise, in his message dated July 12, the Holy Father thanked that during this meeting it was proposed to work on “community spiritual discernment” to better approach the reality of young people.
In this way, the Pontiff assured, “all voices can be heard, recognized and valued.”
Furthermore, he noted that “it is encouraging” that this same discernment is considered as a “mode of conversion in pastoral practice” and he hoped that these works will allow them to “identify the challenges and opportunities they face with the help of the Holy Spirit.
“Do not be afraid of the Lord who passes by us and whispers in our ears”
The Holy Father also addressed a letter on May 27 to the bishops responsible for the event, reminding them that “youth is that stage of life normally characterized by natural optimism, energy and hope.”
Along these lines, he urged them to “let Christ transform their natural optimism into authentic love; a love that knows how to sacrifice, that is sincere, real and genuine, so your youth will be a gift for Jesus and for the world and so you will be able to spend your life in a dignified and fruitful way.”
“Do not be afraid of the Lord who passes by us and whispers in our ears, leans towards us and offers us his hand to lift us up every time we fall. He wants us standing, resurrected. So don’t be afraid to let him enter your lives; Open the doors of your heart wide to Him, since the new life that comes from Him is unmatched and deserves to be lived,” the Pontiff wrote in his letter.