40 Days for Life: combining fasting and prayer makes more women reject abortion

40 Days for Life: combining fasting and prayer makes more women reject abortion

This Ash Wednesday begins the 40 Days for Life (40DV) Lent campaign in Spain, which on this occasion emphasizes the importance of volunteers who commit to praying in turns to join their prayers with the ascetic practice of fasting. .

As the organization explains in a note released to the media, “it is essential that the person praying takes fasting seriously on the day he is going to pray, since we know, from previous campaigns, that in the cities where it is done, the most women “they save from aborting.”

The campaign will be carried out in front of 27 abortion businesses in 24 cities spread throughout the national territory, in which shifts of uninterrupted prayer will take place from nine in the morning until 9 at night.


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