4 out of 10 drivers justify the violation

4 out of 10 drivers justify the violation

During March and with the start of classes, a very common infraction returns: double row parking in the vicinity of schools. The problem is more common in urban areas and large cities in the country.

Double parking, which constitutes a violation, is done to gain convenience and time. The practice causes traffic jams, honking, and even acts of verbal and physical violence.


Two parents got into a fight after one “cut in” in line.

What do the drivers think? Do you support this lack? To learn more about this daily situation, the Cecaitra Observatory, the Chamber that brings together road software production companies, carried out a survey on bad parking during school time, through a telephone survey in more than a thousand homes in Greater Buenos Aires. Aires, and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

When asked “regarding double parking at the entrance and exit of schools, which of these phrases best reflects your opinion?”, a 48% said it should not be allowed nor tolerate because it is a lack of traffic.

However, for 3 out of 10 (31%) the violation can be tolerated, since it is for the safety of the children; and for him 10% should be allowed, because it is a short time and does not affect too much. For the remaining 11%, it should not be allowed as it is dangerous.

“It is interesting to analyze that For more than 40% of those surveyed, this violation is justified, either for the safety of minors, or for the short duration. It must be considered that parking in a double row is an infraction, such as in an alley or in a garage, and it will be evaluated the same if I am waiting for a minor to get on or off the vehicle to enter the school or if I do it for another reason. . There are adults who leave a little early or park at a distance from the school so as not to create this chaos. They are alternatives that would partially or totally solve the problem,” commented the spokesperson for the Road Observatory, Facundo Jaime.

Continuing with the theme, the drivers were consulted how they usually react when they are affected by poorly parked cars. There, half (50%) said they usually wait patiently and move forward when they can; 32% said they start honking; 10% usually get out of the car to reprimand someone who has parked incorrectly; and 8% usually react in some other way.

“As for the reactions of the drivers, there is one piece of information that has left us very concerned, since there are 10% who, faced with this offense, get out of their car and carry out some ‘justice’ action against those who commit the violation. That is alarming, because it causes tension and stress, which can end up generating a road accident. We must also discourage the use of the horn in these cases, which, as stated in traffic regulations, should only be used to warn of a dangerous maneuver,” Jaime concluded.

In the City and in some municipalities in the Conurbano, many schools have implemented the “see-saw” seven in recent years, with volunteers who welcome the students. Thus, parents do not need to get out of the vehicle and continue on their way.

In fact, many schools have an official marking at the door so that cars circulate in that lane and there is no need to double stop.

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