20 missionaries were murdered in the world in 2023, reveals Vatican agency

20 missionaries were murdered in the world in 2023, reveals Vatican agency

According to the report, one of the distinctive features that most of the pastoral agents murdered in 2023 have in common is, “without a doubt, their normal life, that is, they did not carry out sensational actions or unusual events.” that could attract attention and put them in someone’s sights.”

“Going through the few notes on the circumstances of their violent deaths, we find priests who were going to celebrate Mass or carry out pastoral activities in some distant community; armed robberies carried out along busy roads; attacks on rectories and convents where they were dedicated to evangelization, charity, and human promotion. They have been, through no fault of their own, victims of kidnappings, acts of terrorism, involved in shootings or acts of violence of various kinds,” describes Fides.

On December 26, after the Angelus, Pope Francis underlined the persistence of those who “suffer and die to bear witness to Jesus”, remembering that their sacrifice is not in vain, but generates fruits that change hearts and save lives. .

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