As a sign of reparation, forgiveness and recognition of human dignity, two memorials dedicated to babies who were victims of abortion were blessed in Colombia, with the sculpture “Mary, mother of unborn children.”
The initiative to build a memorial in honor of abortion victims was born in Italy, through the movement White Army in response to the legalization of this practice in 1978.
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Thus, the first place where the monument “Mary, mother of unborn children” was inaugurated was the L’Aquila Cemetery (Italy), on December 28, 1991, the day of the Holy Innocents.
It later spread to other nations such as Poland, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, among others.
In the case of Colombia, the first memorial is located in the Archdiocese of Bogotá and was blessed on June 9 by the Archbishop, Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio. The second was inaugurated in the Diocese of Fontibón two days later by the local Bishop, Mons. Juan Vicente Córdoba Villota.
The Catholicisma news outlet of the Archdiocese of Bogotá, pointed out that during the inauguration Cardinal Rueda Aparicio expressed that abortion is one of the forms of violence by destroying life in the management stage.

“There is a cry in the silence of humanity, of those more than 70 million children, who are denied birth every year,” he said in the cemetery of the municipality of Choachí, where the sculpture of “Mary, mother” was placed. of the unborn.”
The Archbishop pointed out that at the memorial “we do not come to condemn any woman or man who has gone through the painful ordeal of abortion, on the contrary, we come to pray for them, and to beg that the Lord forgive them.”
“Let this be a place to ask for forgiveness, for mercy; and to become all of us, men and women, missionaries of life, protectors of life in all its stages, from gestation in the womb to natural death,” he expressed.
In the Archdiocese of Bogotá, the project was led by the Diakonia for Integral Human Development, from the coordination of the Care of Human Dignity.

Father Jorge Eliécer Arias Toro, archdiocesan coordinator of the Care of Human Dignity, stated that “this is a message in which, as Catholic Christians, we want to say that life begins from conception, and for this reason we believe that we must give Christian burial of fetuses, because there is already life there. “To dignify is also to think about the life that is developing.”
The event held in the Choachí cemetery was attended by priests and faithful, including members of 40 Days for Life.