10 Christians murdered in Nigeria on Easter Monday

10 Christians murdered in Nigeria on Easter Monday

In this sense, Fr. Dewan’s parish considers that sustaining the preaching of Gospel values ​​is, now more than ever, of vital importance for Nigeria, in addition to continuing to urge the government to “safeguard the lives of the people.”

Likewise, he referred to the importance of the Church and its institutions in caring for the displaced and other victims of extremist attacks: “The response to these humanitarian emergencies has reinforced our faith in the Gospel. We see a receptive Church, which does not forget its people or people of other religions.”

The Catholic Church stands firm in the face of difficulties to help the most vulnerable in Nigeria. Finally, the priest highlighted the faith of the internally displaced people and the rest of the people who suffer violence, pointing out that—up to this point—the Christian religion has always sustained them.

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